Nathan Laidn



6 years, 6 months ago


Nathan Laidn


Male (He/Him)



Training - Nathan legitimately considers his training both a duty, but also his passtime. He is highly dedicated to his duty and actively enjoys improving his skills.

Flute, Dancing - Part of his duties as a Page was to learn skills considered important in high society which included singing, dancing and an instrument. Nathan decided to pour his efforts into the latter two, as he did not enjoy singing in the presense of others. He indulges in the flute occasionally.

Adaptable/Quick thinking - Nathan is used to unpredictable situations that can change suddenly, and as a result has become quick at adapting to new situations and making new plans of action, as well as having the determination to see them through.

Observant, strong memory - In addition to the above, Nathan is observant of both others behaviours and the environment around him. For example, he may not know the exact number of steps on the stairway they passed, but he'll know it was on the left side of the bakery and that there were two people climbing it and one decending as they passed if he was asked about it. He will notice subtle changes in people he takes interest in (whether than interest is positive or negative.)

Tunnel Vision - Whenever someone he cares about is in the picture, Nathan will prioritize their safety above everything else no matter what he has to do to achieve it. This can make him difficult, maybe even dangerous, to work with as he can become uncooperative and selfish- even to the very people he is trying to protect!

Reticent - Nathan hides his negative emotions around those he cares about, and rarely opens up about things that bother him. As a result, he bottles up his emotions and is prone to overthinking situations.

Identity - Nathan defines his identity and self worth by Eric's opinion of him, and sees Eric's happiness and protection as his purpose in life. He is content in this way of thinking, but when this identity is challenged...who is he without His Highness?

Sword/Lance - Nathan has trained extensively with both swords and lances since becoming a Squire. He prefers fighting with lances, however, and would be considered more skilled with them overall

Sign Language - The Laidn family are very well versed in sign language. While no one is quite sure where they learned it, as some of their gestures are unfamiliar/incorrect, they, nontheless, all know it and are taught from a young age. Nathan learned it from his mother and brother.

Love - Nathan realized he was in love with the Prince when he was around 13-14 years old. He has kept this as his most closely guarded secret ever since then. He is terrified that if Eric found out, he would come to either distance himself from Nathan or, worse, hate him.

Emotions - Because Nathan conciously hides his negative emotions around Eric and in public, very few people know about the things that bother him.

??? - ???

Wish making - Nathan enjoys making wishes on a regular basis, though the wishes he makes are often trivial or seemingly luck based (Wishing for a sunny day, etc.) He likes to believe that the more of his smaller wishes come true, the more confidence it gives him that maybe, just maybe, his deeper wishes may come true too, someday.

Speech - Nathan dislikes overly formal speech and will often break the rules of etiquette as a result. However, when Nathan is anxious or nervous, he will begin to refer to those around him in a more formal manner in an attempt to distance himself emotionally from the situation.

Hand gestures - Due to Nathan's knowledge of sign language, he can, at times, unconciously sign as he speaks. This does not always happen as it is a habit he is trying to break, as if he was discussing war tactics, for instance, he wouldn't want an enemy to be able to pick up what he's saying from his signs.

Lance - Nathan carries his lance most of the time.

Wallet - Nathan carries a wallet full of both currency and small notes he's taken.

Pearl - Although Nathan is not particularly close with his mother, he still keeps the gift she gave him when he became a Page. He keeps it as a good luck charm.

First Aid - He carries a number of bandages and medical instruments in case of emergency. He is capable of first aid, as well as some more complex wound care procedures due to his training.

Water Pouches - Nathan tends to carry more than one water pouch filled whenever he goes anywhere for both hydration and wound care if needed. Some consider the amount he brings excessive, but he insists it's necessary.


Prince Eric Ignatius ( Prince / Best Friend / Crush )

Nathan sees Eric as both his best friend and the light of his life. He is completely devoted to Eric, but as a consqeuence sees himself as someone who needs to stay strong for him, causing him to hide his own worries from him. Though Eric means the world to him, the young knight lacks the courage to tell him how he really feels.

Princess Eidra Ignatius ( Princess / Close Friend )

At first, Nathan's attempts to bond with Eidra were out of a sense of obligation, but he came to truly treasure her as one of his truest and closest friends. He tries to encourage her constantly and she is one of the few people he feels he can be honest with. There are times she knows him better than even Eric does.

Sir Raven Laidn ( Older Brother / Senior Knight )

Being a Page by the time Nathan was born, Nathan grew up knowing very little of him. He was disappointed by how distant and stoic Raven seemed when they finally met. Raven can be strict with which makes their relationship somewhat strained. Despite that, they seem to depend on and trust one another deeply.

Attina Laidn ( Mother )

Although he grew up under her sole care until he was seven years old, he is not close to her. Attina emotionally distanced herself in an attempt to save Nathan from the heartbreak she saw Raven experience when he was separated from her. It worked a little too well; Nathan never visits. She has very mixed feelings about this.

Sir Reuben Lillium ( Friend / Fellow Knight )

Reuben joined the castle some months after Nathan. They got along due to their similar experiences. Nathan considers him a friend, but not much more than that. That being said, Nathan would realize he cares more about Reuben than he thinks he does if something happened to him.

Rook ( Friend )

A young orphan girl Nathan encountered when she attempted to steal something from him in the market. Upon learning of her situation, he began meeting with her regularly to give the siblings food and self defense tips, in exchange for promising come to him for aid instead of stealing. She sees him like an older brother.

Knight ( Friend )

Rook's younger brother of whom Nathan aids on a regular basis. Due to their own circumstances, Knight was very reluctant to open up to him despite his help for a long time. Upon learning that they were similar in more ways than he could have imagined, Knight started to look up to him and aspires to be like him someday.

Dame Claire ( Senior Knight )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

Pyre ( Friend(?) )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

Nayu Kai ( Strangers )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

King Wilfred Ignatius ( Late King )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

Queen Isana Ignatius ( Queen )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

June ( ??? )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.

Tia ( ??? )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.