Eric Ignatius



6 years, 6 months ago


Eric Ignatius


Male (He/Him)



Reading - Eric's books vary from political scriptures to fictional tales of adventure. In recent years, he has focused more on political, historical and biographical writings in an effort to improve himself.

Glass blowing - Glass blowing, glass art and blacksmithing/forging are the main trades of the Kingdom of Ignatius. With most citizens having some control of fire, it makes the process come somewhat easier to them as a whole. Eric initially tried glass blowing as a means of understanding his Kingdom's strengths, but came to enjoy it more than he expected. He has rarely indulged in it in recent years due to his anxiety surrounding the approaching trial.

Singing/Violin - Although Ignatius is generally a combat orientated Kingdom, as a royal, Eric has been trained in a variety of arts and skills. Included among these was music, which he came to enjoy more so than some of his other lessons. The older he gets, the less importance has been placed upon such a thing, but even so he persisted in this hobby until recent years.

Leadership - Eric is a capable leader whenever the need calls for it. He cares about those he is charged with and will do whatever he can to ensure the best outcome. People have confidence in him because of this and his sincerity shines through.

Blunt - Eric is not shy about expressing his mind or approaching others as he feels as necessary. He rarely gets embarassed when in a formal setting and could be considered quite confident in such events. Eric tends to say things as they are and can often stop someone from overthinking a situation by breaking it down to its simpliest points. He does not understand why people hesitate to commuinicate, and he sees it as an easy thing to do when you know it needs to be done.

Outside the Box thinking - Eric is used to adapting to all kinds of situations, and as a result, can often bring unconventional or unexpected solutions to problems. When someone consides in him, he will do all he can to both listen and offer whatever words or advice he can conjure. Despite being prone to missing social cues, he has a knack for hitting the core problem directly, even unintentionally.

Magic - Through both training and the enhancements gifted to him through his draconian blood, Eric is quite adept at magic and has a near effortless control of it.

Anger/Impatience - Despite all of Eric's strengths, a number of them can be rendered null and void if he gets carried away by his emotions. When frustrated, he is prone to acting more rashly and at times irrationally.

Social Cues - With his upbringing being somewhat sheltered and focused on expectations of high society, Eric finds himself lacking when it comes to normal day to day commuinication. Despite his intelligence, sometimes things will just go completely over his head. He can get quite embarassed and even pouty when he is teased in this setting.

Oblivious - His poor ability to pick up on common social cues is most clearly seen in regards to romance. He is completely blind signs of one's affection towards him or the intention behind romantic advances no matter how obvious they are. It's genuinely baffling to any who notice it how oblivious he can be. Even if one's affection was stated plainly, he is still likely to misinterpret it in some manner.

Cold Weather - Eric's body works at a higher temperature than most, and as a result is particularly suseptible to illnesses/etc caused by low temperatures.

Dark - Since his father's death, Eric becomes intensely unnerved when left in a dark environment for an extended period of time. If left there for too long, he is prone to panic attacks.

Close Range Combat - Although he used to be skilled with a sword, since witnessing his Father's death, close range combat makes him extremely uncomfortable and it will trigger the memory if forced into parttaking in it.

Glass Blowing/Glass Art






Eric has reoccuring nightmares about the day of his Father's death. He only confides in Nathan about these, as he does not want to cause his Mother or sister to remember those traumatic events.

Similarly to above, although Eric is a mostly honest person, he hides his fears and insecurities from the general populace and his family. Being the Crown Prince, he does not want to seem like someone the people can't depend on, and as the heir to undertake the trial, he does not want to cause his family undue anxiety. As a result, he only opens up to Nathan about these deeper fears.

Hoarding - A lesser known habit of Eric's is his tendency to hoard things he likes. This can range from pictures of Pyre to large collections of books he should have returned to the castle library by now. He finds it difficult to let anything go if it has memories attached to it.

Humming - Eric is mostly unaware of it, but he tends to hum when engaged in idle tasks outside of reading.

Scheduling Journal - Eric likes to use a journal to help him keep track of his scheduele despite having advisors who could do that for him.

Personal Journal - For reflecting at the end of the day or to document memories to look back on in the future. Eric has regularly journaled from a young age and has one for each year since he started.

Letter Paper and Envelopes - When journeying, Eric likes to write letters home to Isana, Eidra and Nathan. (Isana's letter is seperate, while Eidra and Nathan's letter is shared.)

Potions/Bandages - Although he set out on his journey with a hired healer, Eric figured it would do no harm to bring backup materials.


King Wilfred Ignatius ( Late Father )

Eric's father, Wilfred was both a strong figurehead and a (verbally, but not physically) affectionate father. He would frequently encourage Eric when given the chance, and when Isana may have seemed unintentionally harsh, would do his best to smooth things over. Unfortunately, due to his duties, he and Eric were often apart. As a result, Eric formed an ideal image of his father in his absense that became the object of his admiration. Since his passing, this legacy has only increased in Eric's mind, which has unintentionally put pressure on the young Prince from the unattainable ideal he has created.

Queen Isana Ignatius ( Mother )

Her Majesty, Isana Ignatius, is a dilligiant, dutiful, and tenacious light of the kingdom. Though Eric's fair hair brings to mind his father, none can deny the similarity between he and his mother, from their eyes down to their personalitys and viewpoints. Due to his Father often being occupied by duty, Eric spent more time with Isana growing up. Isana believes that helping shape her son into the most capable monarch she can is both her duty and her means of showing her love as his mother, but as a result she can unintentionally come off as cold or overbearing. When Eric sees families out and about, he finds himself wishing they were more like an ordinary mother and son. As things are now, they are unintentionally emotionally distant with one another despite caring deeply for one another and can often misunderstand eachother despite their similarities.

Princess Eidra Ignatius ( Younger Sister )

Princess Eidra Ignatius is Eric's younger sister who he cherishes and is very protective of. When he was warned that his duties may keep them apart prior to her birth, he instead promised to work even harder so he could spend more time with her- a promise that he upheld. As Eidra is generally a more timid person, Eric is ruthless and unforgiving to anyone and everyone who express any level of cruelty or malice towards her. He sees her safety and happiness as a part of his responsibility both as a Crown Prince and as an older brother. Eidra, in turn, is someone in a unique position in his life who is able to defuse his frustrations easily and reminds him to take it easy every once in a while. They often bond over books they have read and is an enjoyed shared activity between the two of them. Knowing Eidra's life is in his hands is one of his main motivators to succeed in the trial.

Sir Nathan Laidn ( Retainer, Knight, Best Friend )

Close from a young age, Nathan is like Eric's right hand. When Eric is down, he finds solace in Nathan's company and is the only person he feels he can be completely true to himself around, to the point one could consider him quite emotionally dependant on the young Knight, who expresses nothing but willingness to help Eric shoulder his burdens. Nathan's tendency to forego his own safety in exchange for Eric's fills the Prince with endless frustration, however. He wants Nathan to value himself more. Additionally, though the knight thinks he hasn't noticed, Eric can tell he hides some degree (though Eric is unsure to WHAT degree) of his worries from him and wishes Nathan would at least trust him with them. He wants to be closer to Nathan and for Nathan to confide in him more.

Pyre ( Pet )

When Eric was 10 years old, he happened upon a damaged wyvern egg in the courtyard, believed to have been dropped by its mother flying overhead. Eric could not turn away and took it to the Queen for advice. She cautioned him to steel his emotions as the unborn hatchling may have perished, but even so allowed him to attempt to care for it. Eric took her words to heart and for several weeks following, Eric would always be seen with the egg kept close to his body. Though Pyre was born without legs due to the cracks affecting her development, Eric shed tears of joy and relief to know she had made it. The two are currently inseperable and she is almost always seen perched upon his shoulder or flying alongside him. She brings him great joy and he can't help but want to spoil her. He often trusts her with letters to deliever.

Sir Raven Laidn ( Knight )

Sir Raven Laidn is Nathan's elder brother of 7 years, and as such, Eric had a passing awareness of him for years prior to meeting Nathan. Due to them both being headstrong, stubborn and duty driven individuals, they can often butt heads and get frustrated by one another. Eric feels Raven is unnecessarily harsh with him and finds his presence and continuously critical eye to be stressful and anxiety inducing. Raven, meanwhile, believes the Prince is incapable and doubts his abilities, and thus puts him through stricter training to try and whip him into shape. These two are not particularly fond of one another.

Sir Reuben Lillium ( Knight )

Eric mostly knows Sir Reuben Lilium through Nathan's occasional account of him and does not know him on a personal level. He sometimes wonders if Nathan is more open with Reuben due to them sharing an occupation and, as a result, a lot more time together, and it fills him with a slight envy. This envy, however, is not one that causes him to dislike Reuben in any capacity, but rather makes him wish he could learn more about him because if he is someone Nathan seems to be close enough to to mention quite regularly, then perhaps they might get along too. Reuben, on the other hand, holds Eric with high respect and does not know Eric's body language at all. He gets quite nervous and inimidated whenever Eric is present, feeling like he's going to get in trouble if he performs poorly in front of the Crown Prince.

Dame Claire (Surname pending) ( Knight )

Dame Claire is one of the most accomplished Knights in the order, and Eric has been present to a number of her reward ceremonies. For this reason, he holds her, professionally, to a high degree of respect and feels secure in her presense. Conversely, he can also feel quite baffled by how such a highly esteemed knight has such a boisterous personality and is never quite sure how to handle her. Claire, meanwhile, thinks the Prince is an amusing but capable young man and enjoys watching him develop over time. She sincerely believes in him and wants to encourage him like an elder sibling would.

Nayu Kai ( Hired Healer )

Nayu is the healer Queen Isana hired to accompany Eric on his journey. Much to Eric's dismay, she is rude, passive agressive and openly expresses her distain for him at any given opportuinity. He truly feels she is incapable of thinking in a positive manner and she frustrates him to no end. She often avoids talking to him, but when they do talk it almost always turns into some kind of argument. He strongly dislikes her and being in her presense just makes him feel worse about the duty ahead. He has no idea why Nayu is so antagonistic towards him.

June ( ??? )

A mysterious, reserved, yet authoritive young woman, Eric finds himself wary of June's presense and determined to uncover what her goals are.

Tia ( ??? )

A strange, flirtatious and chaotic young woman who Eric finds himself at odds with. He has no idea what to make of her and is not particularly fond of her lack of respect for personal space.