
2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Vin, Vinnie, Vince, any petnames ^3^ (This is literally from himself)


Aracial/Ourple Man; Void Monster


Sure 8]


Male but in a purple way (he/him)


Cupioromantic (<- he doesn't know chat)


5'6"/168 cm | 8'0"/244 cm (Void form)



You know him, you fucking HATE him! It's... Vincent!

...Not really, though.

This Vincent is a faker- a void monster who took upon the 'canon' Vincent's form after finding him on the internet and adopts fanon interpretations of said character to his personality. There's a whole lot of shit to unpack with this and this is just a condensed version. Vinnie does have his own traits that bleed out. Despite him being Vincent, he has never actually killed anyone. He just. brags about having done so. At the same time if he accidentally hurt Mena, he would be so distraught. He also audibly says "Hi Y/N! *blushes and nuzzles*" with the asterisk and everything. From an outsider's view, he's not anything to worry about. More of a pest, actually. 

He tends to be painfully straightforward, even about some touchy subjects. He has no grasp on what reality is really like, learning all his knowledge from fanfic. This can cause him to be very dismissive of usual social cues, or cause him to say heavily incorrect information. 

Currently, Vinnie lives with Mena in her farm and usually accompanies her. He doesn't mind what Mena does for a living, as long as he gets to be with her! 


Vinnie is drastically different from the rest of the world as he quite literally took on his character's form to a T, down to the style. He sometimes changes aspects of himself whenever he feels like it. Currently, he has spiky purple hair that covers his right eye, that is still visible through what can be best described as "anime logic". His hair also has heart highlights. 

Although he typically wears his "canon" outfit, Vinnie likes to accessorize a lot. He's taken up to scene stuff and accessories and even has a matching pink bracelet with Mena! Any major changes to his appearance will have him refer to himself as "x!Vinnie", though, and he will make sure everyone knows this.


  • The color pink (won't admit it tho.)
  • Toast
  • His beloved Y/N ^3^
  • Hyperpop

  • Being away from Y/N 8[
  • NEEDLES!!!!!!!!

  • Going fuck-somewhere
  • Reading fanfic
  • Hanging out with Mena


  • This was supposed to be a joke where Psike and Vincent meet but then as I revived Philomena I was like "i NEED to give her an annoying bff." and uh. Vincent canon. in a way
  • His 'clothes' are his skin. 
    • His skin is soft like muppet felt, though!
    • his hat is also skin. but also he can take it off like a hat? he's fucking weird
  • As a void monster, Vinnie is weak. He can transform and move around through his void form, but that's all. And he's never in his void form. He likes himself better :3