Vicktor Bai



11 months, 12 days ago

Basic Info


Vicktor Bai


Vick, V




25 (May 9, 1999)


Trans Male (+ sm xenogenders) (he/it/bite)




5'2"/157 cm (w/out heels) | 5'5"/165 cm (w heels)



Naomi's best friend back in Colorado, as well as ex-roommate! Vicktor is a stand-alone guy who tends to exude a standoff-ish aura. Bite likes to present biteself as unsettling to keep others away from bite, as bite likes bites company more than others. There are very few that it likes to hang out with, especially consistently. Vicktor tends to be straight-forward with what it wants, and will use whatever advantages it has to secure that. To those close to Vicktor, Vicktor doesn't drop his unsettling nature around them, but it allows itself to show a bit of its sweetness.

Vicktor and Naomi had met in their engineering class, but hadn't interacted much until Vicktor approached Naomi one day after class for help on one of the projects. After that, he started to hang out with Naomi more, and the two of them became friends. When Naomi got evicted, he allowed faer to stay at his apartment. He still holds a grudge against Jack for this. Naomi and Vicktor still keep in touch via text most, if not, every day.


Vicktor is a short, lanky guy with chopped, spiky hair up to his chin. He usually puts on white face makeup, as well as a shit-ton of mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner for the drippy undereye effect. He switches between red and black lipstick. Vicktor has a skull tattoo with vines on his left arm. He wears red contacts with crosses, but his natural eye color is dark brown. Vicktor tries to keep his nails long and paints them black, but sometimes will take the time to add designs to them. He has an arrow piercing in his right ear and three spikes and a double earring on his left. Vicktor also has sharp teeth.

Vicktor modifies and customizes most of its own clothes, with its favorite staple being cut off sleeves. It tends to wear small tops with big bottoms. These shirts usually have graphics on them, either originally or added on by Vicktor. It also likes tripp pants a lot. Vicktor also likes wearing platforms or any kind of chunky boots to look taller than it really is. It accessorizes a lot, especially with big chunky bracelets (with or without spikes). 


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  • Vicktor was made up on a joke abt Naomi having an unsettling partner who isn't a murderer, but then Naomi's arospecisms went hard. hope that helps!
  • he accidentally looks like reko yttd but i promise i wasnt thinking of her at all designing him
  • Vicktor has a tendency for biting things when nervous, so bites makeup and nail polish help detract bite from eating its lip or nails. Sometimes it tries to bite its braelets but leather tastes GROSS