Nathan Jest



2 years, 1 month ago


code by eudaenomics

moodboard imgs from

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Oh, was there a
dorm leader meeting today?

Nathan Jest




The previous vice-dorm leader who was known for always being able to make you laugh. Though quite smug at times, he was extremely humble and empathetic. It's quite unfortunate he was taken from

Name Nathan Jest
Nickname Clown Fish
Gender Male
Age 18
Height 5’7
Year ”3rd”
Class 3-B
Dorm Heartslabyul
Club Light Music Club
Birthday April 1st
Best Subject Music
Species Ghost
Handedness Left
Homeland Rose Kingdom


Nate is a very cheerful person who seems to always have a smile on his face. He’s the master of cheering people up, always having the perfect quip in every situation.

Unique Magic

Nate’s Unique Magic is known as “Card Trick.” It allows the user to control any playing cards within the area, turning them into whatever they may need (i.e. a shield, shackles, a pen, etc.) But these items will break after a certain amount of time or damage/wear. This magic is rendered useless if no cards are present.

  • Origami
  • Staring at walls
  • Card tricks
  • Photography
  • Fighting games
  • Making people laugh

  • Preston (lol)
  • Being a ghost
  • Thinking too hard
  • Working
Design Notes
  • Design twisted from:

    The Joker Playing Card

  • Has a cool tattoo on his neck in ghost form, it’s just there for funsies
  • His eyes are 2 toned but unfortunately, when he became a ghost, he lost iris privileges (though he can still see)
  • His little court jester hat was a gift from his mom when he left for school

  • One time, the first years were doing a oujia board cause ace thought it would be funny, unfortunately, they accidentally managed to summon Nate
  • Due to Nate being killed his second year, none of the first years actually know who he is (despite him actually being the previous heartslabyul vice dorm leader, so ace and deuce should probably at least recognize his name or somethin)
  • Haunts Preston sometimes but mostly resides in Ramshackle
  • Favorite flower is the marigold
  • Murdered by Preston
  • He’s extremely forgettable
  • He does still retain the ability to wander, but isn't visible to most people


Only As Good As My God|Everything Everything

Losing My Mind|Mystery Skulls


Hung Up|Madonna

BAD END|Shouta Aoi

Prime|Roan Martin

Me and My Husband|Mitski


As a child, Nate was often considered foolish for doing card tricks and ‘practical magic’ due to the fact they lived in a world where magic existed. This is how he got his nickname, The Fool, and he embraced it. It was definitely a massive struggle for him to know that he was treated more like entertainment than a real person at times and that he didn't have any real friends. Nobody would appreciate being left with the role of court jester, but Nate sucked it up and accepted his fate. Nathan spent a lot of his free time studying and practicing his magic, wanting to find a way to mix his love of card tricks and magic. When he finally discovered his Unique Magic, he was accepted into NRC. After a bit of time, Nate had finally made a few friends and he was elated. He befriended Idia and Dimitri and felt a bond with Idia that wasn't really present in his relationship with Dimi. When he entered his second year, he became the vice leader for Heartslabyul after asking Riddle if there was anything he could do to help around the dorm. He was happy to hold a title with some worth. Nate was quite well loved in Heartslabyul, but still stayed alone a lot of the time. He spent a lot of time in the Heartslabyul gardens, skipping his classes, with a first year he had found hanging around out there. This first year, Lee, was not very happy to have company. They gave up on ignoring him at some point and they became friends. After a while, Nate had deduced that he was developing a crush on Ignihyde’s leader and tried to keep these feelings a secret. Unfortunately, his feelings didn't go far enough under the radar to slip past Preston. One night, as Nate was heading over to Ignihyde, he could feel his vision grow blurry and his body become heavy. After he blacked out, he woke up somewhere surrounded by trees and tied to one of them. He was missing his usual jacket and hat, looking around frantically to figure out where they could be until he noticed someone standing by a nearby tree. Preston was standing, wearing Nate’s jacket and hat, holding a knife. At this point, Nathan knew he wasn't going back to his dorm. He attempted to reason with Preston as he approached, but he just walked up to Nate slowly with the same empty stare he always had. Nate took a deep breath and accepted his fate. Once the attack was over, Nate let out one last shaky breath, asking Preston to take care of Idia. Preston continued to stare at Nate as the life drained from his eyes. After this, nobody really knows what happened to Nate’s body or what happened to Nate. It was like someone casted a spell upon everyone who knew him and made it seem like he was just a faint memory. Some where powerful enough to not be effected by this though, including Dimitri. Nathan woke up, a ghost now, on the floor of Ramshackle. This is now where he lives, and when he isn’t there, he’s out haunting Preston or sitting with Lee in the garden.

Idia and Nate have been pretty close friends for a while. Despite Idia's wallflower nature, Nate's corny jokes and his utter determination managed to land him in Idia's good vooks. The two of them used to play games together often and it did not make Preston very happy.

Surprisingly enough, Nathan doesn't hate Preston. He does still haunt Preston though and he misses hanging out around Idia alone. Nate actually had known about Preston since he was designed. Idia was really excited about the dating sim he was working on and wanted to show Nate one of the love interests. Nate thought they seemed a bit annoying but Idia waved it off because they weren’t real. No need to have 2D characters be realistic or likable. Nate immediately recognized Preston when he saw him that night. Obviously he was extremely confused as to how Preston was real, but he didn't really have the time to think about it before he was stabbed like 20 times.

Whenever Nate decided to skip his classes, he would hang out in the Heartslabyul gardens. At some point, there was a first year who would go out there to drink tea. He thought they might be another student skipping class, but after approaching them for the first time, they froze, pupils shrinking. Nate was quite confused but the second he tried to explain that he wasn't a threat, they disappeared in a puff of smoke. After this, Nate decided it would probably be smarter to just slowly approach over a few days, if he didnt ruin his chances there. After this, Lee and him became close friends, discussing gossip each of them had managed to hear during the day. Lee was also one of the few people he had told about his crush on Idia. Soon after this was his unfortunate demise. Despite them not being able to see them, Nate still sits with Lee in the gardens when they’re there.

Nate and Dimitri used to be friends actually. They would often get lunch together and do their homework with each other. When Nate originally disappeared, Dimi got extremely worried. Nate was never one to go somewhere for a long period of time and ignore Dimitris texts. After about a week, Dimi finally tried looking for him. He decided to ask the ramshackle ghosts. They had informed him that they had seen Nate, recently too. They told him to go to the Heartslabyul dorm garden at a certain time, that was usually where he’d go when he wasnt at ramshackle. Dimitri did have to skip class, but went to the gardens as told. He found Lee there sipping their tea, but sitting across from them was what seemed to be the ghost of Nate. Obviously Dimitri was extremely distraught over finding out one of his friends was dead, but he was happy to have finally found where he had been.

The rest of their relationship infos can be found here, as well as a link to the other charas thoughts on Nathan.