Jack Bernard (Personality)



If you need a good time? You tend to call Jack. Always something of a firecracker growing up, Jack brought a lot of those qualities into his young adult life, based on a very simple policy; live it up. As such Jack is very much a young man that wears what he likes on his sleeve. To him there is no point in having guilty pleasures and so long as you aren't hurting anyone who cares what music you listen to, or movie you watch, or obscure show you like? Live it up. As such Jack always seems to be busier with seemingly meaningless things rather than the more important things such as, say, his grades. This isn't true however, after all he does enough to make sure he isn't failing, that's good enough in his mind. Jack  is generally viewed as something of a positive figure in the lives of those who know him. A goofball that likes to have fun but, in that same breath, is more than willing to buckle down and get his hands dirty if it it means helping someone he cares about or himself out of a jam. One that sometimes might be of his own making. While Jack might not be someone you aspire you be like, by his own admission, he's more than happy to be the friend that you aspire to have. That said? Probably a good idea to try and stay on his good side. That might be hard not to do but, let me tell you, if you irk him he will let you have an earful.