Ceenoo and Teeko



6 years, 6 months ago



Carrier and Abso

Abso Male: Teeko (tea-co)

Teeko is a never still always jittery ball of energy that get in to everything. He is quit the hand full to keep track of. Always running around and exploring and just questioning everything it is all Ceenoo can do to keep him save. Hence the bell around his neck it mags no audible sound but more of  magical note that Ceenoo can sense and easily track back to Teeko. Teeko is not one to pick fights. Yet he is not one to get bossed around. This can often lead him into situations where he needs Ceenoo help to get out of. Teeko is deathly afraid of thunder and will always hiding Ceenoo pouch during thunder storm where he knows he is safe. He may be handful but he is very aware fo those around him and will often gives gifts to make other feel better. A pretty leave an interesting stone. Not usually anything to valuable but something he thinks is interesting and will cheer them up. Teeko could be called a bit of a pack rat and has a whole den of trinkets and bobbles he’s either collected or been given by other as gifts near the log cabin he and Ceenoo watch over for the watch.


Carrier female: Ceenoo (see-new)

Ceenoo is a strong willed carrying individual she love and cares for Teeko as a little brother and is very protective of their home. A medium sized patch of woods deep in the forest. True they are not really colored for the green expense of the woods but as neither really needs to hunt to live they do just fine. Ceenoo is also a respected guide of the watch appointed as a wilderness guide by rouge and she often held with the yearly training of recruits to the watch. As she has given permission for their area of the woods to be used as a summer camp. The interaction with so many people is difficult for her as she was so used to being alone with just her and Teeko but she understands it is needed to make them both more aware of the wider world.  Ceenoo likes to garden and has her own small garden of both rare and always need medical herbs another key interest in her want to help others. There is something she loves about knowing her plants will help save another life.  What Ceenoo lacks in eagerness to interact Teeko more than makes up for he is always loved by the recruits for his antics and normally such eager   demeanor.