


6 years, 6 months ago



Scourge’s early life is not something he shares often and for good reason. Captured at a young age and experimented on without any way of escape, locked in a dark room by himself, left only his thoughts, it a small mercy he did not go mad yet it does not leave him with the best thoughts on strangers or the best at small talk. 

Experimented on and studied, Scourge was trapped in a dark room chained in place and routinely heater and chilled as a test of his ability to endure low heat and cold as well as extreme deadly heat. As cyclots are powered by internal organs that need heat and sunlight to survive it is a miracle he was not killed though he came close several times. The constant abuse making changing Scourge slowly and painfully adapt to endure extreme temperatures and even dark places. Super charging his ability to it’s limits. As he grew to be able to control the heat around him with absolute percussion. Chilling the air to absolute zero or raising it up to 1000 degrees. The radius is small only about 7 foot but within the sphere Scourge has full control.  Making himself immune to fire burns and even magma. As well as hardy enough to walk in blizzards. Just more of a reason for Scourge to wonder to places no one else can travel to be left alone.

Scourge has no idea how long he was trapped but one day as he slowly woke up from one of the near-death coma’s he often fell into he knew something was different. He felt warmth not like anything he knew. For the first time in a long time Scourge opened his eye squinting in pain as the sun hit his face. Looking around he found himself abandoned in a small meadow. His bands still on his legs but the chains for the most part broken. For a time, scourge just laid there enjoying the sun something he had long forgotten even existed soon falling asleep far to week to even bother trying to find some where safer to lay. And that how he learned of real pain being found by a wolf and nearly torn to shreds.  As he had no idea how to use ability to defend himself.  He was only saved by a small pink fox and another anthro wolf who chased of the wolf and carried scourge back to their home. The fox healing his wounds as the wolf spoke softly.  The first real kindness Scourge had ever felt from another being.

When Molly and Rouge came back to find what Swift and Blade had found they were at first worried of Scourge never seeing a creature like him before but his natural passive nature and the way he listen to Swift and Blade made them relax and adopt Scourge as a sort of family pet. Scourge not actual understanding anything that was being said did his best to follow the tone of the words being said. It was much latter until he started to learn to understand and answer back. AS the minx Family realized he was sentient. It was then Scourge went from   a member of the minx Family to the larger Family of the watch.

Scourge Still considers Watch wood  as his primary home. Being the area Swift and Blade first found him. He happily travels for the watch as a scout and reconnaissance agent. Often working with white out in the Fangs. Over the years Scourge has learned to weaponize his ability in the offensive and defensive. Creating walls of ice and raging infernos against foes. He has also taken up a love for melting rocks. Often for secret underground bunkers. As well as some learning on weather patterns Scourge is able to create wind currents with his ability to throw fire and ice outside his direct field of affect.

Even with all this time and learning and new family. Scourge more often than not would rather be alone when with new unknown people. And often defaults to a more. “stupid care free mentality when dealing with others. In the hope they will underestimate him. And to make them less inclined to chat with him. Scourge is not the smartest but he is not the moron he often shows him self as. His past has made him realize there no point to show off. Or to worry about things that might happen. He has enough to worry about in the present.

Even more so now that he is proud single Father.