


9 years, 5 months ago



Age 20

Gender Male ♂

Species Cat | Ragdoll

Designer utaemon

Value ---






Name : Levon Hamilton Body Type : Skinny, scrawny
Nickname : Levi/Boss (to Bo only) Height : 5'7" | 170 cm
Birthday : December 24 Weight : 125 lbs | 57 kg
Sign : Capricorn ♑ Occupation : Musician - Lead vocals & guitar
Orientation : Bisexual S/O : Bo
Voice : . . . Theme : ♫ . . .



  • Two ear piercings in left ear, connected by a chain
  • Dark circles under eyes - from lack of sleep & eyeliner
  • Has two scars on the right side of his face, one near his eye, the other vertically through his lip
  • Cheek piercings & a single snakebite on the right side
  • Tattoo around his right wrist
  • Wears black nail polish


  • Music
  • Singing
  • Playing
  • His guitar collection
  • His first guitar
  • Coffee
  • Fast food & junk food
  • The night
  • Night driving
  • Sleeping in
  • Darkness
  • The smell of hair dye


  • Too much social interaction
  • Being disturbed from his work
  • Distractions
  • Vegetables
  • Eggs cooked in most ways
  • Dyed blonde hair
  • Lots of attention just on him
  • How fluffy his tail is
  • People teasing or making fun of Bo
  • Kids
  • Mornings
  • Spending too much time around peppy.overly happy people

". . ."


Levon is a decent enough cat who is extremely passionate about what he loves, he is easily obsessed and addicted to things, and is very focused on his path in life. He can be quite inconsiderate without realizing it, mostly concerning work and practice. Levon drives his band mates crazy with his need for perfection in their music, though he knows full well without him they would be nothing.

He's usually a bit sarcastic and is generally optimistic, however he does get easily annoyed and sick of perky, overly cheery people, and usually isn't afraid to tell them to shut up. He doesn't connect with most people very well, leaving him with few friends, and mostly acquaintances whom he doesn't remember the names of.


  • Despises people shortening his name or giving him a nickname, he only allows Bo to call him Levi, to everyone else it's Levon or Boss.
  • Former heavy smoker
  • Caffeine addict
  • Rarely eats a proper meal & mostly eats fast food and junk
  • Unhealthily obsessed with his work
  • A complete perfectionist with his music
  • Absolutely despises people pointing out how scrawny or skinny he is and tells them to mind their own damn business
  • Is a good fighter despite his appearance
  • His pale skin marks quite easily so it is common to see the odd scrape or bump on his fair complexion that might look worse than it really is
  • Rarely wakes up before noon
  • Levon will always order out for dinner if he has any, his orders are always bigger than he can eat himself so it serves as breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner the next day if he feels like eating
  • Often won't eat because he won't leave his music mid-practice
  • Goes out driving almost every night in the early hours of the morning
  • When he does he'll either go to the 24 hour drive thru, or to the rural areas on the outskirts of the city where he won't be heard to play music and for time to himself. His way of getting away from things
  • Sometimes doesn't get home when he goes out at night because he has a tendency to fall asleep in his car
  • Will always pick going out at night to in the day
  • Is usually never hesitant about putting people in their place, or letting them know how he really feels about them


The fouder and leader of the band 'Rivals of Yesterday', Levon continues to strive for greatness, creating music and planning the bands next big tour.


Levon grew up with his mother and sister of the same age, he doesn't remember his estranged father when he lived with them, but based on his mother's words, that was all for the best.

Levon always kept to himself, often made fun of because he didn't have any real friends, though he did have one or two that could fit the description of 'friend'. He never really got that close to any of them though, and they eventually got sick of his behavior as he was always in a faraway place in his mind, distant and distracted when they would spend time together. Not that he didn't enjoy their time. He just always seemed to have a tune in his head that he wished he could somehow bring to life.

He would always listen to the radio in and out of the car, and get his mother to buy him albums that he could listen to himself, always loving the guitar work above all else. and then one christmas, the best christmas, he opened his biggest present to reveal a guitar, and since then he and the instrument were inseparable. He started to spend more and more time by himself, playing and playing his prized possession, never stopping until his fingers were stiff and refused to play the chords correctly, until he absolutely had to stop.

Throughout growing up, Levon constantly dealt with being bullied and harassed by the kids that made fun of him for being such an outcast, he didn't give two shits about the verbal side of these harassments. The ragdoll's uncaring nature being the fuel behind these confrontations, and they didn't take long to turn violent. To Levon's displeasure they soon became a regular thing. His body would become littered with cuts, scrapes and bruises, though he was usually the one that would come out on top of these scraps, he never took anything from them lying down.

To him this was nothing but wasting time and a distraction from his playing, he got more and more annoyed each time this happened, his wounds usually weren't a concern to him unless they stopped him in some way from doing what he loved.

One day, on a sunny friday after school had finished, he was on his way to one of the detached buildings of the school where the music block resided, carrying with him his precious guitar in it's protective case. The gang that usually harassed him blocked his path, to his annoyance. Though this time they had come with a plan to finally hit their most hated target where it hurt. They all went at him at once, a few punches here and there, and a lot of struggling and anger on the Ragdolls behalf, before they had him restrained, and held tight. Forced to watch as their leader took hold of his precious guitar, he took it out of the case, and to Levon's horror, began with ripping each string out one by one. He then got to what he described as the 'good part', holding the suffering instrument by the neck over his head, about to start it's decent to being smashed to pieces repeatedly on the hard concrete, But before that happened, Levon was out of the grip of the two other boys, and on the leader before the instrument hit the floor, saving it just in the nick of time. He relentlessly gave the boy that had refused to leave him alone all these years a beating he would never forget. No one touched the thing that meant more to him than anything.

But before Levon could give the other boy everything he had coming to him, he was separated from the larger student by two of the teachers, and was immediately suspended.

After that incident, they kept their distance from Levon, along with many of the other students, many baring a new fear for him but also a new found respect, and to many other's who had suffered because of that boy, he was their hero.

It wasn't wasn't until High School that he made anymore friends after that, and the group he became associated with were soon the ones he was playing music with. Finally he had people he could relate to, and he couldn't be happier, though still none of them matched Levon's unrelenting passion. These were the years he started to really come out of his shell, no longer was he that weird outcast everyone whispered about, for a time there were the odd few rumors floating around about him. Levon had a new motivation that he would never abandon, he was the clear leader of his group of friends who were soon his band, and despite their awe of his talent and passion, they did start to get sick of his bossiness. Little did they know that this dominance would be what made them huge.


❥ BO

[ Bandmate / Lover ]

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[ Friends / Fellow bandmates ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Friend / Rival band member ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Friend / Rival band member ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Friend / Rival band member ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Friend / Rival band member ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.