Key Henish ([D&D])




>Half human/half aarakocra

>Age: 26

>Strong point: Charisma

>Weakness: Strenght

>Voice claim: Nathan Evans

He grew up in a small port being raised by his uncle. As he grew he spent his time drinking away on the local taverns and singing with the visitors who came. His main job is as a sailor for hire, working on whatever boat needs him for a trip or two. His aarakocra genes alow him to turn into a bird but he is dumb and a lot of times he forgets how to do it, plus he is not the best flyer. When he isn't at sea, he works at a tavern to make a few extra money. On his free time he used to climb on the roofs with his diary where he doodles and writes about his days in the port. On the inside he would love to do more with his life, maybe explore more, maybe be an artist, maybe perform, he still doesn't know yet. He embarked on a journey to find a purpose for his life, but for now he is just with a group of idiots where he throws knifes and charms everything that gets on their way. Eventually he will go back home, he's got a hot mermaid gf waiting for him after all