Key Henish ([Fatui AU])



1 year, 20 days ago


>Kelai Henish aka Il Pappagallo

>Hydro (delusion) / Claymore

>from Sumeru, now lives in Snezhnaya

>Age: 26

>Gathers information for the Fatui Harbingers

A poor boy from Sumeru neglected by his father, left alone with his mother with who they had to steal in order to have food on the table. He got sick a lot and sometimes had to survive alone do to her mother having to face consequences for stealing. His father used his house as a motel to sleep until his next work at sea.

At 16 he had enough and using the excuse of saying goodbye to his dad for this trip he confronted him about their situation, he only got laughs from his father showing that he didn't care. Filled with rage Kelai ended his life only thinking "It's not like it will be any different from now"

When he turned 18 he joined the fatui only thinking about getting out of poverty, and eventually started getting paid very well. With some time he started being a valuable reasource for the Fatui became informant for the Harbingers taking advantage of his shapeshifting habilities to spy on others and his thief skills to easily get artifacts or documents. Eventually he got a Dilusion and got into a position of power only bellow the Harbingers. He could even buy a house in Inazuma for his mother and now sends her mora monthly for her to live in peace.

One day he found a small child in his room, it was one of Dottore's experiments that escaped his lab. Driven by his deep desire to have a family of his own he ended up fighting Dottore to keep her, which he left him do thinking the child would just die in a few days, but Kelai ended up healing her and is now his daughter. She got named Zaneta and now lives with him. She is the light of his life and it's capable of fighting anyone and everyone for that child.