


2 years, 1 month ago


Jules is the oldest son of a wealthy elite family. When he was young, his family placed considerable pressure on him as the favorite child. He rejected his familial expectations as he got older and used their wealth to fund a lifestyle of lazing around and burning money. His parents, detesting this, decided to cut him off and send him to university to make something of himself.

Jules met and “befriended” Percival at university in the hopes that he would do all the work for him until he regained his parents’ favor so he could drop out. However, when Percival dropped out before that could happen, he had to study for himself. Through these studies, he gained an interest in the supernatural and occult, and, after graduating, learned about a town rumored to be long-plagued by a “monster” deep in the woods. Jules, craving respect and access to his family’s wealth, ventured to find and capture the monster, proving the existence of the supernatural and claiming all the wealth and praise that came with it.