


2 years, 1 month ago


{ fidget’daisy }

pastureclan (queen?) den-dad
he/him, 39 moons

fidget’daisy is a former warrior who now spends his time in the nursery as a permanent den-dad. he has always loved kits, and even as an apprentice he would take time to play with the kits in the nursery. he helped his parents care for his younger brother, freeze’grove, when freeze was a kit and in and out of the sick nests. however, fidget wanted to be a warrior, so he didn’t get to stick around camp much to be around the younger cats.

fidget was a warrior, one of the best in the clan, for many moons until he turned 30 moons old, when he decided he’d had enough of life as a warrior. he did enjoy being a warrior, fighting and defending his clan, but he decided to settle in the nursery to help new parents care for their kits and take over caring for the kits of those who may want to continue warrior duties after having kits. fidget isn’t interested in having kits of his own, happy to help look after the clans’ kits as if they were his own anyways. when he has free time, he still goes out hunting and guards the barn entrance.

fidget’s signature plants are crown daisies. he loves collecting flowers of many different kinds to share with kits until they decide their own flowers in apprenticeship, so it’s not uncommon to see random flowers unrelated to his own littered around his nest or in his fur.