[ P2U ] Pseudo's Comments

Bought through Kofi under the name Sprink- here's the receipt as well!
Could I be authed please?

Hello! Just recently bought Psedudo and got around filling in the template but I have a simple issue, just not enough brain power to figure it out. Been attempting to make the Name header flush with the sections below (Havent used fontmeme because I like the way it currently looks) Here's where I'm testing my coding if you need visuals


try changing the height! if you make it taller, the header should fit better

The header I'm trying to use doesn't use the height code like the fontmeme image link one does

Hi there! I purchased this code on Kofi under the name Irbis, and I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm currently on a PC, and when I extract the zip folder and open the HTML text document, it only contains a string of Mac OS X encoded text. I looked around to see if I'd downloaded an incorrect version, but it doesn't seem like I have. Any idea what I could do to fix it? :o Thank you in advance!

Edit: Managed to fix it! There was some sort of exporting issue on my end x')

bought on da as junopede

Bought on Kofi as Ginger ^^

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tysm for creating this wonderful code! I could never be happier with the way all his info looks together~

is it possible to make the relationships scrollable? using the beta ver but with the full ver relationships in ic

at the text-muted of the relationship paragraphs, you want to add a set height and overflow:auto (enables scrolling) !

<div class="text-muted" style="height:200px; overflow-y:auto">

Bought the code on DA! Been eyeing this one for a while too, can’t wait to use it!

Hi hi! Bought this code through Kofi! This is so well done!! 👏💖

someone cooked here 

Hi hi!

I'm using the code and having some trouble.

I can't seem to get the name header to work? I try using a header from fontawesome and the letters look blurry. Or I tried just using text for the header but whenever I put the name it breaks the code and makes the focal image huge and it cuts out the other information in that section. 

Also, I'm using darkmode and wondering if there's a way to change the color of the 'thing' wording where the hexcode section is? It's hard to see with the darkmode TH theme as it's defaulting to grey.

Just out of curiosity, is there a way to enlarge the image where the questionnaire was? I'm using it for more detailed design notes and with the image as a thumbnail, its cutting off more of the image I'm using than I'd like it to.

Purchased! <3

I have a question, on the area like the personality scale and the like skills that have box’s to represent them, how would you move them ?

(Anyone can answer I literally don’t mind 🫶)


you'd have to use the fontawesome icons to represent a point.  imagine if five solid boxes represents 5/5; if only two are solid, then it would read as 2/5!

pay attention to the fas and far part of the coding below, hope that helps! <3

<i class="fas fa-square-full"></i> = solid

<i class="far fa-square-full faded"></i> = empty

This should definitely be helpful! Thank you so much :0

I actually wanted to ask how I would exactly move the points on the scale? Is there any way I could do it through the code? :>

sorry for the late reply; you'd have to edit the coding of the icons yourself!  read the bold text in my prev message for what to change!

unless you meant to move the entire thing elsewhere?

Love this code sm and bought through DA!!

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Hi! I bought this code from ko-fi under the name "Brianna Wilson" and using it for https://toyhou.se/23199648.1-khenirous ! May I be authorized please? ^^

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auth'd!!  ty for buying! <33

Hiii! i completely forgot to comment but i bought this on kofi under the name bibo!

purchased!! super cute <333

thank you for buying!!  auth'd, enjoy! ^^ <3

purchased! <3


auth'd, thanks for buying!! <33

Hey! I bought this code a while ago and was wondering- for the full one, in the 'present' section of the history area, is there a way to add another image with the description like the already existing one, but move it to the right? Sorry, I'm not sure how to word this ^^"

yes you can!  you can copy/paste it then switch float-sm-left to float-sm-right!

if you want multiple in one history section, paste the framed piece under different <p> ^^

Thank you! :D

Like this? Just want to check I'm doing it right, apologies ^^" https://toyhou.se/18285480.boogarden

yep!!  unless you wanted it a different way, you got it! :D <3

auth'd, thank you for buying!!  you can get the code from the tabs now, enjoy! ^^ <3

I have purchased this code via Deviantart, but for some reason the ZIP. file from the download give me an error whenever i want to open them *sob* could you authorized me by any chance? Proof of purchase is below!



Im in love with this code - i dont know how i only came around to buy it now aaa <3 

EDIT: i fixed the download issue, it was deviantart! I just needed to refresh the page ^^"

ay good to see you solved it!!  tysm for byuying, i've just auth'd you!  enjoy! <33

Alr i just wanted to say, that I'm always looking for good codes to use for my characters, AND THIS ONE IS SO FKIN PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL I'M GONNA CRY


Bought the full on Kofi but could I be authorized? My user was AlexisBB99. :)

Edit: How would I go about making the background a solid color instead of white?

there is no background set, the code follows your site theme!

regardless, you can add background-color:#HEXCODE; to the first line of code in the style and that should give you what you're after ^^ note: that'll only colour a portion of the page

I got it, thank you very much!

hello! I bought on Kofi and would love to be authorized here :)


done, thank you! <33

thank you so much!!! this is a lovely code :)

bought over on kofi a while ago, here is receipt ! should been under the user shard or sllvershard !

thanks for buying, you should be auth'd now! <3

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if you are talking about the messy raw code layout + music player not working, i see that WYSIWYG has been enabled at some point and would highly suggest you disable WYSIWYG from your display settings and use the code editor for editing HTML codes (this is addressed in my rules).

otherwise, if you're talking about why some of the header text doesn't change colour, that's a CSS thing (the CSS is just missing a rare code class that i use in my codes).  try adding this under your current CSS import link:

.text-body {color: #fff !important;}

please address what exactly is "breaking" next time!  this will help speed things along/reduce confusion from my end! ^^

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gotcha!  it's because of the CSS (clashing variables from both the CSS and HTML); delete bg-faded where the images aren't appearing and they should reappear again!

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auth'd!  tysm for buying, enjoy!! ^^ <3

bought with DA! my user over there is 0zzysn00k :]

done and auth'd, thanks for buying!  enjoy! <33

Bought with DA!! <33


done, thanks for buying!  enjoy! ^^

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done, thanks for buying! <33

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auth'd, thanks for buying! <33

Just bought with DA points! User name over there is FawkesMakesAdopts


done!  thanks for buying, hope you enjoy the code!

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auth'd!  thank you for buying my code, enjoy! <3

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done! ^^ <3

Bought it on DA my user is Ethangobrr and here’s my receipt ! https://ibb.co/Y7HTyjz

auth'd!  thanks for buying, enjoy! <3

https://toyhou.se/16270291.heathersun i bought and used your code for my blorbo of all time

hihi! just bought on dA, my user is frogtalon :D

auth'd, thank you for buying!! <3

thank you!! your codes are always so pretty but this i've had my eye on this one for a while 👁️

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from your code specifically, you can try decreasing the heights from these two areas (use the finder tool [around the likes/dislikes + the personality box] ):

<div class="my-auto row no-gutters" style="height:413px;overflow:auto;">

<div class="text-muted card rounded-0 p-3 text-justify" style="border-style:solid double dashed;border-width:2px 7px;height:378px;overflow:auto;">

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bought on da (eeveeyourson) receipt would love to get auth :D

auth’d !!  thank you for buying, enjoy! <3

i bought the code yesterday! forgot to save the receipt but hopefully this works :)

just auth'd you!!  enjoy the code! <33

thank you! its a beautiful code nd im so excited to use it <3 ive been working on it for the past few hours :)

just bought and i’m so excited to use it!!

Bought this on DA, my TH is StanarchyStudios!

auth’d, thank you for buying !! 🫶

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auth'd!  thank you for buying, hope you enjoy! <3

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HEHE glad to know its still a fav <333

done and auth'd, enjoy! :Dc

hi!! i purchased the code!^w^


done and auth’d, thank you!!

Hello it is I, I’ve purchased this with pts and would like to be authorized for easy access! Esp how mean my Ipad is </33 awesome code as always! 


thabk you!! <33  done and auth’d! 

i think that’s a link to the page where your payment is confirmed, so i can’t see it LOL

you’re good though, just your dA username is okay for next time!!  auth’d and enjoy! 💖

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'too didn't long read' my beloathed....

thank you for telling me !!!  i'll plop it on my to-do list LMAOO

Just purchased it! Love your codes!

thank you for buying!!! auth'd <33

I'm very excited! As you know, I've been saving up for a while, and finally have enough to purchase this lovely code! Everything should be in order :]Screen_Shot_2022-10-29_at_2.30.45_pm.png

done!!  thank you again! 🥺💕💖

I forgot to add this, but I used it for IC, https://toyhou.se/17066710.-malach-phantasmpyre and https://toyhou.se/16636699.-rosemaryrune ! I'm really happy with how they came out, and I hope you like it as well :D

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A SMOOCH…… 😳🥺💕

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my code........ all crumbles   

Congrats on the sales!!!!

hehe thank you!!! 🙏💖💕

( actually right after i replied to your dm, i realised i forgot to check dA sales and was like “omg……. i already hit 100 sales….. WOAH” )

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done!  and thank you!!!! 💖😭

I ADORE THIS CODE?? The detail is amazing..

My receipt

done!  thank you for buying!! 🙇💖💖


(forgot to comment before so I'm doing it now lol) payment name: lildarkvixen
and just for fun a character I've used it for! https://toyhou.se/3905282.peanutprance

done!! >:3c <3

used for this gal, and will probably use for more- tysm!! was really fun to edit too :]

OOHHH she is SO cool      and thank you!!

NDBSHJKFLKN hello ????? i've been looking for a good wc code for so long and this checks all the boxes ??? Used it for this dude !!!! Will definitely end up using it more breakdances 



can't wait to use this on my characters <33 reciept is here !

done!  enjoy!! <3

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done, thank you sm for buying!! ;O; <33


reciept is here!!

THABK YOU SM!!!  just auth’d you, enjoy! <3

VIBRATES in love with this code. the font the size the detail,, everything is so amazing !! if i had enough points to buy it i would definitely, i'm going to begin saving up >:)

This code is absolutely gorgeous, definitely one of my favourites on the whole site !! I love how you've managed to make it super extensive whilst keeping a special charm to it, the amount of ideas you have for decoration is incredible 😳 I'm also thankful it's affordable, I'm super happy with my purchase and I'm going to be using this for so many of my characters when I find the time :Dc
Here's my reciept :)c

thank you so much for the kind words AAAAA!!  means to much that people like this one sm 😭💖  i just authorised you (check tabs); please enjoy editing it! 

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done, thank for buying !!! 💖💕

Hah, 69th purchase (nice)

Oh, and uh

Lovely code! Excited to use it >:)

auth’d, thank you for buying!! 🥺💖

Bought this code !! Barbiiez on toyhouse! receipt is here !

done, ty for buying!!


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auth’d, thank you for buying!! <33

i forgot to say i bought this on kofi!! 

receipt is here

could i be authorized for this code as well? :0 

done!!  enjoy! :D <3

bought this code as well!!! da is sparklefawnn :)

<3 !!

hello!! bought from DA, my user is MintAnima!! Could i get the auth? i'm unsure if i hav to add a screenie but please inform me if i missed that!!

screenies are optional, the most i need is the da username or order id ^^

auth’d, thank you sm for buying!! <33



purchased from straypunk on dA !! i've been eyeing this beefy code since it dropped, so i'm excited to finally have my hands on it >:D

thank you sm for your words and for buying; i just auth'd you!!!  enjoy!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

hii i bought this code from kofi and i've literally been using it everywhere, tysm for making this code, and i'd love to be authorized so i can come back to it here!! but i also had a question! i'm using the same css as you used for applesong, and i'm wondering how to change the color of the palette/name meaning text? if that makes sense?

it seems to be tied to whatever theme youre using for toyhouse, when i use night theme it shows up as white, but default it shows up grey. and the grey is hard to see against the dark bgs i use, like here, and i don't wanna hurt whoever's using default mode's eyes 😭 i seemed to figure it out for the epithet and design notes headers, but it won't work anywhere else. is there a way to fix this ? ;o;

hi hi!!  just auth'd, thanks for buying!

that's because i coded these headings to be text-body (the colour of a normal text of the theme), but text-body is not coded in the actual CSS (or most CSS anyways, i think) so i had to add them in manually ^^

after the import link, you can add these!

  • for light mode it's .text-body {color:#343a40!important;}
  • for dark mode, it's .text-body {color:#f7f7f7!important;}
  • and then you can slap a p {color: inherit;} so paragraphs follow whatever text colour the parent div is!  hope this helps! nvn)b
edit: WRONG ACCOUNT LMAO its jiko btw

OH MY GOSH it worked, thank you so so much for your help!!! <33 and thank you for auth'ing me!!!

bought from Cedarthecloudf0x on da ^_^ !! looking to be authorized (cant screenshot since idk how to screenshto from pc AUWHYHWAAS)

just auth’d!  if you paid through the commission widget, there’s no need to provide proof other than your username ^^


thank you !!

heya! Bought the code off of kofi so I have it but I did have a question! 

I’m using it Here and I was wondering how we can get a background added? So I can add a flat color and make it easier to see the text? 

not using it for warrior cats lol

for an easy edit, you can add background-color:#HEXCODE; in the first line of code!

<div class="my-5 mx-auto p-md-3 text-justify" style="font-size:90%; max-width:1000px; background-color:#HEXCODE;">

you might also want to change p-md-3 to p-3 to have the background more aligned on mobile view ^^

edit: if you're a little more code savvy and would like the background to match with the CSS (assuming you can do that), you can also surround the code with a div card instead ovo)b

Thank you so much!! I got it to work, big thanks!

Heyyy, I purchased the code! Hopefully I did all the steps correctly and get to be authorized: ) 52393456_Onask0j6B6fkbWs.jpg

LOL i got worried because i didn't find your username until i checked the other widget orz

be sure to write your toyhouse username in the comment section below so i can get to it right away (info in the messages doesn't seem to come up anymore aaa)! >wo)b

Ohhh alrighty! Yeah I wasn’t too sure how it all seemed to work out but for next time I’ll make sure to include it, thank you so much though! 

just bought the code, i hope to be authorized soon! <3


done, thank you for buying and enjoy! <33

thank you so much!

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sorry for the lateness but i just auth'd you!! <33  and TYSM FOR THE KIND WORDS!!!  gun's design and font aesthetics are SO sick im love them orz

i'm suddenly obsessed with the image-name headers and decors in general so i guess you can expect another one sometime! ;)

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done, enjoy!! <3

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done, enjoy! <3

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Bought the code and was hoping to be authorized !!


done!!  enjoy! <3

I just bought this code, it's really beautiful and I love how extensive it is (I'm a huge fan of extensive codes)! Going to go spoil my characters with how much information this code allows!

bought and using !!

can i please get authorized to use the code here? tysm!!! i didn’t know how to pay directly for the code itself so i sent the points directly if that’s alright ^^” https://sta.sh/02cuy3pwu2ck

authorising you in a minute!

as a future note for next time: on mobile, there should be a button that says “Premium Download” for you to pay from!

On Desktop, it’s and combined!

it might come up with “Purchase for $6.25” but there is an option to pay with points when you click it >wo)b

thank you!!!! and ty, ill keep that in mind <3

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done!!  enjoy!! 💕😈

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WAHH hello! i was wondering if i could be authorized to use the code here? :D

here's the receipt !! : https://sta.sh/02cev4tn84zn

done!!  enjoy! 😈💖

using for my gal psyche, absolutely enjoying how thorough this code is <33

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of course!  i won’t care what you keep and delete, as long as credit stays intact! 💖

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just bought !!! <3 could i get authed to use the code here? that may be more convenient for me so i dont lose the txt file !!


done! <3333  enjoy!



idk if you wanted the white headers but you can add .text-body  {color:$text-body!important;} to your CSS! ^^


OH btw not sure if you are aware but for the image headers, when you try to use the code to use  normal text instead, it kinda breaks 💀💀

NOOOOOO im crying </3

it's because i used the wrong quotation mark UGHHH i'll quickly fix that.......

😔😔 but seriously I love this code SOMUCH you did such a great job on this one! It was so smart to use images as titles omg


THANK YOUU AAAAA T__T <333 i just REALLY wanted text to fill the entire space and make it mobile-friendly so i was like......... images >:)

EYY dw i already have your order id!! nvn)b  done!!

YESSS IT WAS AN AMAZING IDEA, doubt anybody has thought of that before heehhehe


genuinely an incredible code damn i’m fs getting this when i can! 

BCJDBWJQHABAAAAAAAA this is SO PRETTY!!!! i am SO buying once ive got the points

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used here for my lil dude!! i still gotta write out his story but i had fun filling the rest of the code out hehe!!

this is so pretty buying immediately bro also (for me) the "the now" section's image is super stretched out


oh YEAH the current display example and the raw code are a teeny bit different because i’ve gone bonkers trying to set up Pseudo LMAOOO

but it’s (or it should be?  it looks okay from my view sobs) fixed in the raw version!!  so i’ll fix it up here later as well! nvn)b

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