Moritte, the Burning Rose



2 years, 20 days ago




Lawful Evil




Evil Sorceress


Fancy Headpiece


An ancient dragon. She was once a spirit of fire and passion, though few remember it.

She took too much of an interest in mortal affairs. Moritte showed them fire and tutored them in sorcery, but caused plenty of trouble on the way. The final straw was when she enchanted and kidnapped the elvish heir to the throne. You know, classic dragon stuff. This was not well received, and the three kingdoms agreed something must be done. After a lengthy battle, she was banished and sealed in human form.

After hundreds of years she's finally found a work-around to end her banishment, and guess what? It involves kidnapping MORE royalty! She just needs all three royal heirs to agree to annul her banishment...

After years of trying to return to dragon form, her specialty is now transformation curses. Any who wander into her lands are turned to stone, or cursed to man her castle as animated suits of armor.

Of course, she's also had plenty of time to plan what to do upon release, and it involves burning the three kingdoms to the ground.


A woman who plays the role of evil queen very well. Moritte is confident that she’s the most powerful person in any room. If you don’t show the proper respect you’re not likely to continue to be in the room or, y’know, a person. She has quite the volatile temper.

Though she might seem gleeful in her taunts or scheming, she’s rarely truly happy. In truth, she harbors an extreme bitterness towards the world for her situation. Banished to the Ashlands and sealed in human form, she’s far from her prime. Unwilling to acknowledge her past mistakes or make amends, she insteads plots revenge and destruction.

The only person she tolerates is her knight, Vee. Initially she was only interested in his novel curse, but after spending some more time she started to sympathize with his pariah status. His loyalty is quite flattering too, though his occasional questioning of her morality angers her. Especially when she knows he’s right. Though she'd never admit it, if anything happened to him she'd burn everything.


  • Grandeur
  • Treasure
  • Fancy dresses


  • Insolence
  • Humanity
  • Other gods and spirits

Introvert Extrovert
Collected Chaotic
Nice Mean
Nervous Confident
Pacifist Violent
Brave Cowardly
Honest Deceptive


When Moritte was young, the land was rife with spirits, competing to become gods. As one of the four elemental dragons and the Great Spirit of Fire, Moritte was well positioned to become a deity. However, while other spirits were at war, Moritte took more of an interest in mortals. She taught them how to use fire and sorcery in the hopes they would worship her, but her self-interest and impulsive decisions eventually led to her downfall.

The final straw was when she enchanted and kidnapped the elvish heir to the throne. In response, the three kingdoms agreed to banish Moritte and seal her in human form. Seeing the chance to topple one of the elemental dragons, other spirits assisted the mortals. Perhaps some of them had been secretly working against her for much longer. A lengthy war ensued. Moritte’s magic scarred the battlefield, creating the Ashlands that would become her kingdom.

In exile, Moritte watched as the other three elemental dragons fell, and the rest of the spirits faded into obscurity, or claimed glory as gods. As time passed, she became more bitter, and began to scheme their downfall.


Moritte is a skilled sorceress with the innate power of a dragon. She was once the Great Spirit of Fire, but since being sealed in human form her focus has turned elsewhere. In an effort to return to her original state, she’s spent much time focusing on transformation magic and curses.

Fire Sorcery - The classic motes of fire and lava geysers are in Moritte’s repertoire. Fire and magma are hers to manipulate as she pleases.

Transformation Curses - In her efforts to return to dragon form, Moritte has mastered transformation curses. Unlucky trespassers are likely to be turned into animated armor to man her castle. Irritating trespassers are likely to be turned into stone statues for her garden. However, because transformation isn’t her original domain, she has some limits. She must know the name of a victim, or they must be immobilised.




Vee is Moritte’s only knight (and friend). Vee’s curse piqued her curiosity, so she took him on as her servant. Eventually he started growing on her, but they’ve had their ups and downs. His 'morality' thing is a little irritating.

Design Notes

  • She has a 'rectangle' face shape.
  • Her design motifs are lava and roses. Other ideas are dark colours, jewelry, a crown, gems, lace, quilted fabric and gothic vibes.
  • She has vertical slit pupils.
  • She's fairly flat-chested, don't go overboard there.


  • Selfish
  • Volatile temper
  • Scheming


She's actually a dragon, but has been bound to human form.

HTML frankensteined from Pinky , Leporidebug and @TheRacc