


1 year, 27 days ago








Moritte's Retainer

Scary Looks

Scary Personality


The mysterious Thorn of the Burning Rose, a dark knight who appears and disappears on a whim.

Vestris (better known as Vee) is the sole retainer of Moritte. Vee carries out a variety of odd jobs, silently pulling the world’s strings to his master’s bidding. He has some misgivings about his employer’s motives, but ultimately he’s loyal to her as his only friend.

Vee is afflicted with a curse that transforms him into a monster when in direct sunlight. The source of the affliction is unclear, but it seems related to Vee’s blood somehow being unholy. It was in pursuit of breaking the curse that he met Moritte and eventually agreed to work for the dark sorceress.


Despite appearances, Vee has a soft and nervous temperament. He’s guarded and unwilling to share information on himself, which can make him seem cold. The reality is that he feels guilty and fears rejection.

Vee’s melancholic disposition stems from deeply conflicting feelings. He is loyal to Moritte, but has moral objections to her actions. His accursed bloodline is an affront to the gods, but he still seeks their approval.

He often philosophizes about the merits and consequences of his actions - unfortunately, this doesn’t make him much of a conversationalist. Between the curse and his job, Vee doesn’t get much time to socialize. As such, he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor or many connections, but he’s fiercely protective of the relationships he does have.


  • Writing letters
  • Animals (his horse)
  • Moritte


  • Daytime
  • Other Knights
  • Moritte

Introvert Extrovert
Collected Chaotic
Nice Mean
Nervous Confident
Pacifist Violent
Brave Cowardly
Honest Deceptive


Until his 21st birthday, Vestris lived a comfortable life as the son of a successful traveling merchant. It was the morning of his birthday that the curse first took effect, transforming him into a grotesque monster. Afraid and confused, he fled to exile in the Ashlands. There he met Moritte, a powerful sorceress who offered to break the curse in exchange for giving her his name.

Moritte was shocked to find that the curse’s power was greater than her own, and was only able to return Vestris to human form when he was not in daylight. Unable to keep up her end of the bargain, Moritte returned the first letter of his name, ‘V’ as compensation. Vee agreed to work for her in exchange for further help with the curse, and the eventual return of his full name.

The Thorn of the Burning Rose

After agreeing to work for Moritte, Vee became her only knight. Thanks to her banishment, Moritte was unable to leave the Ashlands. This left Vee in charge of not only the shopping, but also the delivery of messages, carrying out treasonous plots, and the occasional kidnapping of royalty. He was especially nonplussed with the latter.

While in Moritte’s service, Vee was once caught unaware by St. Morgan the Faceless. In the ensuing battle, Vee lost his arm. To his surprise, Moritte was more upset about his injury than the failure of his mission. She enchanted a gauntlet for him herself to act as a replacement.

Accursed Blood

Though he does not know it, Vee’s curse is actually the doing of his own Great-Grandmother, the Queen of Serilla. When she discovered the forbidden union of the Princess and Vee’s father, a commoner, she cursed the unborn child. He was secretly passed off to his father, safe from his great-grandmother’s wrath, but unaware of his heritage.

Serilla’s royal bloodline holds powerful magical properties thanks to their close connection to the Brightness – a God that destroyed and replaced the sun. As such, a forbidden child like Vee was spurned by the Brightness, his royal blood becoming unholy in the god’s light.


Vee’s curse is a burden, but it also instills him with supernatural power. While a monster, he has enhanced senses and is much stronger, faster and more durable than a human.

The curse also imbues him with magical powers that can be used even in his human form:

Petrifying Aura - When activated, anyone within Vee's presence will find themselves overcome with fear.

Bloodblade - Vee can manifest weapons created from his blood.

Corrupted Blood - Vee's accursed blood causes anything it touches to become corroded by unholyness.

Levitation - Vee can hover up to a metre from the ground.




Vee is Moritte’s only knight. Their relationship is… complicated. Vee deeply disagrees with her motives and resents his involvment in her schemes. At the same time… she’s his only friend, and he cares for her deeply.

Design Notes

Human Form
  • The edges of his cloak are burnt, not just fraying.
  • His outfit is usually covered in ash.
  • He has two beauty spots on his face.
  • His right arm (under the gauntlet) is amputated just above the elbow
Monster Form
  • The gauntlet is the same for both forms.
  • His horns are meant to be malformed/twisted, don't worry about symmetry!
  • Scale note: He's nine feet tall!


  • Reserved
  • Philosophical
  • Melancholic


He has a naturally very quiet speaking voice.

HTML frankensteined from Pinky , Leporidebug and @TheRacc