šŸŽ‡Morbus MacabrešŸ¦ 



2 years, 16 days ago


Morbus Macabre


NAME Morbus Macabre


AGE 10,000+ years old






One of the most powerful fungus, located in the depths of the ocean, spreading spores.


  • Being underwater
  • Lights
  • Caves
  • Spreading its kind


  • Humans, angels
  • Being on land
  • Pollution
  • Underwater explorers


  • Morbus is based on a Man-O-War combined with a Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • It is also inspired by cosmic horror like Cthulu


  • Fungus and spores are released from its sail on its back.
  • It is around 60 meters or 190 ft tall.
  • The arms are vestigial and useless
  • Its mouth is fake and is just markings.
  • When it's in water its legs disintigrate into many extremely long tentacles.


Morbus is very wise and old, and also extremely bitter. It has a great hatred for humans and also angels. It makes sure to assimilate and consume any human that wanders too close to the area around its den and finds joy in this. It plans to eventually surpass humanity, which it feels does not deserve its place at the top of the food chain. It does have a loving side, though. Morbus is a caring parent to all of its offspring, which is has thousands and thousands of across the world. It has a hivemind-like link with all of them, and loves communicating with its children. It cannot go out to see the world for its own, so it likes to listen to its children's tales of the surface world instead. It would do anything for its family.



Morbus is one of the most ancient fungus, and is also one of the most powerful. It is a key part of the reproduction cycle of fungus and the spreading of spores. It will release spores into the water and air, which eventually reach various parts of the world. Some land in human areas and feed off them, some land in nature to grow and assimilate other lifeforms into themselves. Morbus remains in a cavern deep in the abyss of the ocean and only goes onto land for rare occassions. It, like all other fungus, feeds off human thought and brain matter. It collects this from its various offspring but also from fishers, divers, and beachgoers.

Personal life

Morbus' life story is immense and impossible to summarize quickly, and even it doesn't remember everything it has been through. What Morbus does remember though, very clearly, is that it was once an angel. It cannot remember why, but one day it and many other angels were cast down from heaven. They were not sent to Hell either though, and instead left to dwell on Earth, as mortal creatures. Over time these isolated angels evolved and learned to develop alongside Earth life. They reproduced, and began to biologically differ from angels, animals, plants, and humans. Their bodies were twisted into something completely unlike angels in heaven. They became fungus. Morbus, one of the oldest fungus, is the leader of a large portion of the fungus race. It has a hatred for angels because of what they did to the isolated angels those thousands of years ago, and hates humans because it believes they don't deserve what they were given and have ruined the planet.


Mori is one of Morbus' more recent offspring. She is located somewhere between a city and a forest, and she has been tasked with studying and learning about humans. She has the unique ability to mimic the human form. She is somewhat of Morbus' 'star child', it treats her with preference and praises her more often. She loves Morbus greatly but more recently has been questioning its ideals. She has to be careful to keep these thoughts to herself.

The opposite of Mori in some ways, Languor is one of Morbus' more neglected children. He has a similar goal to Mori but has produced much less helpful results, likely due to his inability to actually fit in with humans. Morbus will ignore and forget Languor a lot. He has a inferiority complex toward his younger sister Mori and he still loves his father greatly, often desperate to appease him.