


1 year, 8 months ago


Languor MacabreĀ 


Ā NAMEĀ  Ā Languor MacabreĀ 


Ā AGEĀ  Ā 16Ā 






A teenage fungus with an inferiority complex toward his younger sister, wanting to appease his parent.


  • Rain
  • Skulls, death
  • Plague doctors
  • Diseases


  • Humans
  • Mori getting more attention
  • Being unable to fit in
  • Sunlight


  • Languor is based on an acorn weevil, plague doctor, and shaggy mane mushroom.
  • His first name means "I'm dying" in Latin, and is a word used to describe feebleness, weakness, and exhaustion.


  • He is 5'6 ft tall slouched. When he's standing up straight he is 6'3.
  • His eyes and the mound on his back will ooze black slime at will.
  • He has 6 limbs (4 arms 2 legs) and no mouth, speaking telepathically.
  • He wears robes like a medieval gravekeeper and a wooden necklace of a broken skull.


Languor is one of the more pathetic fungus. He has a hard time proving his worth. He doesn't have much talent and knows it. Because of this he has a huge inferiority complex, especially toward his younger sister Mori, as they have similar jobs but she is a lot more successful than him. He is still growing up and is a bit selfish and going through an "edgy" phase. He is fascinated by the black plague and wants to be a plague doctor. Languor's favorite thing to do is ominously follow humans around, never getting too close so they can see his features but just close enough so they can see there's something inhuman about him. He does this at night and prefers rainy days especially.



As a fungus, Languor feeds off human thoughts and brains. He does this by leaving slime around places where humans are active and touch, like door handles, benches, etc. This slime when on human skin will absorb into their body and move to their brain, like a parasite. In small amounts the slime will cause migraines and give Languor a decent amount of food. Prolonged exposure to the slime will cause memory loss, dizziness, mind fog, and other cognitive effects. This eventually leads to decay of the brain with symptoms similar to dementia, eventually leading into complete brain death. The energy recieved from this powers Languor and in turn all other fungus they share a mindlink with.

Personal life

Languor is a younger fungus that was born in a location directly outside of a city, in an abandoned building that had become a habitat for other fungus. He was assigned the role of learning about humans due to his close proximity to civilization. Languor is decent at his job, but when his younger sister Mori was born, he was easily surpassed. She replaced him in most tasks and he was left ignored and isolated most of the time. He tries to prove his worth to the other fungus in their group, to no avail, and often has fits.


Mori Ā SisterĀ 

Languor loves his sister greatly but experiences an intense rivalry with her. Since she's superior in every way to him and Morbus loves her more than him he is often trying to top her. When she does something he will try to do something even better. This gets him in trouble as he finds himself in situations he can't get out of as easily as her. They are good friends but he is an immature older brother.

Morbus Ā relationshipĀ 

The opposite of Mori in some ways, Languor is one of Morbus' more neglected children. He has a similar goal to Mori but has produced much less helpful results, likely due to his inability to actually fit in with humans. Morbus will ignore and forget Languor a lot. He has a inferiority complex toward his younger sister Mori and he still loves his father greatly, often desperate to appease him.