


2 years, 26 days ago


Ghalla are a bipedal mammalian-like species inhabiting almost all habitable zones of Eraden. They're the only fully sentient species and this was a conscious decision on Belgrath's behalf. His decision was also to split Ghalla into two main races: Sinneghalla south of the continental Rift, and Scetarghalla north of the continental Rift.

Sinneghalla - Cerulean Ghalla
Scetarghalla - Arabelean Ghalla
Despite sharing the same origin as creations of Belgrath, Ceruleans and Arabeleans have some quite noticeable physical differences. Over the countless millennia they developed unique physiological traits that make identification easier.
  • HEIGHT : ~210cm for women and ~215cm for men(on average)
  • LIFE SPAN: Around 72 years, with oldest being 150(historically disputed)
  • TEETH: Front teeth are designed for puncturing and the  back teeth are optimal  for crushing. While the size of the teeth might vary among individuals, the teeth position remains constant. Teeth can be regrown at most once(when healthy)
  • EYES: Best suited  for day vision. A translucent nictitating membrane  protects the eye from strong winds and offers a weak protection from  sun exposure. In the far  east, in the Greater Auritas region, the nictitating membrane is more opaque with a white hue and offers strong  protection against sand gusts.
  • HORNS:  Horns come in a  variety of shapes and sizes, though they mostly tend to gravitate towards either the back-facing position or the front-facing  curled  position. Every Cerulean can have at most two horns on their  head. Doubling and bifurcations are considered mutations and are very  rare.
  • MUSCULATURE: Compared to their Arabelean counterparts, Cerulean muscles are leaner and less dense, allowing for  swifter motion and more agility. This makes Ceruleans naturally great  swimmers.
  • BODY TYPES: Ceruleans come in all shapes and sizes.
  • TAIL:Prehensile and very flexible. With a lot of strength straining one will be able  to  lean their full weight on the tail(but still with their feet on the ground).
  • FEET: 4 toes with an opposable thumb. Feet are capable of grabbing and holding onto smaller objects. Claws are relatively short and allow Ceruleans to have a better grip while  running.
  • HEIGHT : ~210cm for women and ~220cm for men(on average)
  • LIFE SPAN: Around 62 years, with oldest being 130(historically disputed)
  • TEETH: Front teeth are ideal for puncturing and tearing, while the back ones are exceptional at crushing bone. The size and relative position of the teeth vary among individuals and the teeth can regrow if extracted. Well-trained Arabelean jaws can bite with a life-threatening force. Teeth can be regrown at most twice(when healthy).
  • EYES: Best suited for low-light environments for those who live in tunnels(those living on the surface are more versatile). Semi-opaque white nictitating membranes protect the eyes from extreme colds and winds.
  • CROWN: Each Arabelean has 3 pairs of "false horns"(called a crown) on their head, with the size varying among individuals. These false horns are mobile and can be controlled at will or by strong emotions. If cut off before the muscle that controls them they will regrow over time.
  • MUSCULATURE: Compared to Ceruleans, Arabeleans are on average much stronger due to denser muscles. While they are slower and less agile, they can throw a mean punch.
  • BODY TYPES Arabeleans come in all shapes and sizes.
  • BODY SCALES: positioned on the shoulders, legs and tail. Female scales are somewhat smaller than male ones. Shoulder and tail scales can "spread out" as a sign of aggression or strong emotions.
  • TAIL: Prehensile  and very flexible. With a lot of strength straining one will be able to balance their entire weight on the tail.
  • FEET: 4 toes with an opposable thumb. Fee are capable of grabbing and holding onto smaller objects. Claws are strong and longer than those of Ceruleans. The soles of the feet are thicker and allow for easier locomotion across the rugged terrains of the North.
at the time of the main story
  • COUNTRY: Cerulean Empire, led by the royal Auren family. Aurens rule from Auritas, a metropolis situated on the Eastern Azure coast(TBA). Imperial territories are separated into provinces ruled by lords entirely subservient to the Emperor.
  • RELIGION: Most Ceruleans are devout worshipers of Belgrath the Sun Serpent. Ancient texts firmly state that Belgrath created Eraden for Ceruleans to conquer and use as they desire(More on Cerulean religion(s) in Belgrath's profile TBA). Variga(Locally known as Agrabath) is seen as an evil deity representing death and mockery.
  • AFTERLIFE:Those who are devout to Belgrath ascend to heaven and those who spend their lives sinning are devoured by Belgrath.
  • FAMILYStandard nuclear family. Royals are "allowed" to have concubines, though they're treated as a public secret rather than an official institution.
  • PERSPECTIVE ON ARABELEANS: Most equate them to the rest of beasts that inhabit lands north of the Rift. Tradesmen and slave traders perpetuate the stories of Arabeleans being large, brutish, and bloodthirsty. Arabelean slaves are a sign of status. An Average Cerulean living away from the Rift will likely never see a non-slave Arabelean.
  • PERSPECTIVE ON SLAVERY: Sign of status. Slaves are acquired either as war prizes, through slave-markets, or as a way to pay off debt.
  • LANGUAGE:Official language is Auritasi, as it is spoken in the greater Auritas region. Most provinces have retained their own culture and language, though Auritasi(with allowed dialects) is expected to be most commonly spoken across the Empire. Those speaking far western dialects usually can't entirely understand those speaking eastern dialects and vice versa.
  • COUNTRY: Isolated "provinces" ruled by Nightlords. Only in a later era Arabelean provinces actually unite into a greater Arabey under house Feladerios. Though their rule is mostly formal. 
  • RELIGION: Although there is no unified belief shared by all Arabeleans, most acknowledge the existence of Belgrath and Variga in one way or another. Variga is viewed in a more positive light, as it is believed that Belgrath banished Arabeleans to live in tunnels to spite Variga.
  • AFTERLIFE: The consensus is that once a man dies, his soul is judged by Variga. If she decided that he is unworthy of reincarnation, Syllks devour his soul as punishment(TBA).
  • FAMILY: Standard nuclear family, for those who cannot afford multiple wives/husbands that is. By law one can have as many spouses as they can support financially.
  • PERSPECTIVE ON CERULEANS: Arabeleans see them as "smallmen", a derogatory term referring to anyone smaller than them(in a physical/mental sense). Arabeleans who live further from the Rift have never met a Cerulean and only have embellished stories to rely on(just like Ceruleans).
  • PERSPECTIVE ON SLAVERY: Slaves are seen as a waste of time and resources, so only those who want to brag about their war efforts own slaves.
  • LANGUAGE: Arabelean language is separated into Highlander and Lowlander, with Lowlander being spoken around the greater region of the Rift. Lowlander is a mix of Highlander and Cerulean languages brought by colonists. Though the language is same for the most part, each province has its own dialect and local-specific vocabulary.
  • RELATIONSHIP WITH SYLLKS: Arabeleans fear and revere Syllks as "Daughters of Variga". Only fools try to kill them for their skin and teeth.
  • VIEW ON SYLLKHERETS(TBA): A very complicated relationship. Some see Syllkherets as a sign of good fortune, while others believe them to be harbingers of death and plague.
Both Cerulean Ghalla and Arabelean Ghalla have their own sub-races. It isn't quite sure if these sub-races arose naturally through speciation, or were another instance of divine intervention
This will be a short summary of each sub-race. Soon they'll get their own profile.
  • Men of the Scorched Isles: Exceptionally tall and lanky, inhabitants of the Scorched Isles(south Cerulia) are well known for their docile personalities and intricate hairdos. Their hairstyles are said to sometimes reach the size of a grown Cerulean, and are believed to be used as means of transporting food and water. Scorched men keen to themselves, so not much is known about their life and habits.
  • Carmedilians: Despite not having any physical differences that separate them from the rest of Cerulean population, Carmedilians proudly consider themselves an entirely new category of Sinneghalla. Their arrogance mostly stems from them sharing their province with the famous Carmedil hounds(TBA).

Sineghalla don't have that many known actual sub-races, as any that existed quickly got assimilated into the wider population of the Empire. Unlike Arabeleans, they have more distinct national identities tied to their province of origin(even among provinces there are separate "ethnic" groups, unlike Arabeleans who mostly separate themselves according to their province of origin).
  • Nahrmakka: Nomadic people known best for their deal-making skills and party-raising songs. What separates them from regular Arabeleans is having only 2 pairs of spikes in their crown. A legend tells that Nahrmakka lost the 3rd pair of spikes after they tried outsmarting Variga during the full moon.
  • Alvecharre nomads: Named after the largest known tribe, these nomadic Arabeleans are known for their narrow eyes and short stature. They are fierce Herja(TBA) riders and their songs speak of horrors that await beyond the fog that  obscures the most northern point of the continent.
  • Islanders: Short, stubby, and flat-nosed. It isn't actually known if Islanders are Scetarghalla in origin, as their physical features bare little to no resemblance to their continental "cousins"
Misunderstandings can arise because of both biological and social differences between the races. (At the time of the main story) Interactions(positive or negative) between races are quite rare and neither race has had the time to get to know their counterparts better to avoid problems.

The outlook on afterlife, family, traditions and religion also plays a major role in already existing issues.  

  • AGGRESSION DISPLAY: (Visual TBA) Feline-like hissing and spitting. Accompanied by  aggressive tail thrashing. Ceruleans are more likely hit and scratch rather than  bite. Those with appropriate horn design might opt for a  head-but.
  • WHAT MAKES A GOOD CERULEAN? Personal  wealth and social achievements come before physical strength(though  aesthetics are always a big plus). A  person's worth is in large part determined by their social status.

  • AGGRESSION DISPLAY: The Crown, shoulder and tail scales spread out. Followed by "Variga's grin": lips are pulled all the way back to reveal all of the teeth, and the nictitating membrane covers the eye for maximum protection. Once the grin is present, a crushing bite is imminent.
  • WHAT MAKES A GOOD ARABELEAN? Determination and physical capability to survive. You can always turn to books once you've lived through the winter.