Anise De la Fuente



2 years, 16 days ago


WARNING: Anise has scars that resemble self-harm scars. (They are NOT from self-harm, but just in case the resemblance alone is upsetting, be warned)

Basic Info

Age: 19

Height: 5'8

Ethnicity: Latina

Orientation: Pansexual aromantic

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance Notes: Anise has prominent scarring around her wrists that extend along her forearms and, to a lesser extent, upper arms. Though not usually visible, she has scarring on her back as well. The pink in her hair is hair dye streaks that she applies most heavily to the tips of her hair, but a little bit throughout as well. Her bangs are long and fall just a little bit into her face. She usually carries her golden flute with her since she uses it to relax and control her powers. She usually wears pretty casual clothing, but sometimes with a little extra flare or color, and will often wear mild jewelry. 

2 Cent Summary: Anise is a somewhat jaded teen whose thoughts can alter reality if carried through sound. She often won’t speak when she’s upset because of this, and carries a golden flute to help meditate and channel her powers deliberately. She generally has a casual, confident demeanor, and will do anything to protect other ‘mutants’ like  her.

Character Lore


Anise was born to lower class, but caring parents. She is a mutant born with innate abilities; she can channel thought through sound and hear whispers from afar as long as there is a source of light. Her parents were uncommonly accepting of her powers, and tried to protect her from the law. Unfortunately, they were caught and taken away, and she doesn't know what happened to them after. In her own attempts to flee, she wound up instead taken by an illegal 'circus' group that forces mutants to perform for a crowd. She met Sulfur there and the two attempted to escape, and were both saved and taken in by an assassin named Avior.


Anise is a very focused individual. Because her thoughts can shape reality if she speaks, she has to be very aware of how she's feeling, and often goes silent if she's too upset to guarantee her powers don't go off by accident. She considers her parents heroes, and seeks to emulate them, but feels far more cynical about most of humanity than they had. She strongly believes all mutants should look out for each other, and hates those that would betray their own kind the most. She's extremely loyal and protective to those she sees as allies and friends, however.

When interacting regularly with people, she has a casual, confident demeanor, and will often take the lead in situations that call for a leader. She's comfortable razzing her friends and being razzed in return, but won't usually go out of her way to be difficult. 

While she plays her flute often to use her powers with more control, she also genuinely enjoys playing and will do so to help meditate and sort her thoughts.


  • Sulfur Toivonen: Anise and Sulfur are best friends. They initially had a rough start, but soon came to depend on each other to survive and became friends after that. Anise is extremely protective of him, and Sulfur likewise wants to do things that will make Anise happy or keep her safe.
  • Cider: Anise and Cider are friends. While Anise was briefly suspicious of them due to their unusual arrival, she quickly became protective of them and is a little daunted but entertained by Cider's mischievous streak. Cider thinks Anise can worry too much, but also thinks she's very cool and impressive and looks up to her slightly. 
  • Avior: Anise was taken in by Avior after he after saved her from people hunting her on a whim. Anise is grateful to him and has grown fond, and Avior is awkward and doesn't know anything about parenting but tries to provide well for her and will quietly listen to whatever she has to say.
  • Askella: Anise and Askella are slightly awkward, slightly tense allies. Askella accepts Anise as part of her living arrangement because it matters to Avior, but mostly stays as uninvolved as possible. Anise is put on edge by Askella's mood swings and generally aloof demeanor, and Askella finds her particular mutant power unsettling and doesn't really know how to talk to her normally a lot of the time.

Bonus Info


  • Anise has more recently started to learn crafts; she’s not very good at it yet, but she likes all the folding and gluing and planning that goes into it.