Roo's Literatures

4 months, 10 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
3 5607

Doctor has always been an odd man, preferring anything else but company. But one day another man came in and broke down that wall, left him flailing with feelings that he didn't understand but then he did, and he was comfortable. That is until Stone left, no word, no nothing and he took the only form of a heart that the Doctor ever had with him. Then a child is thrust at the Doctor, and he has to cope with the fact he really did have a heart, and it's still there, just aching, aching so badly. Then there's another - very annoying - child, her aunt. Then, oh, him and another man and then things like family. This seems to be making a group of people who claim to not really feel emotions, to suddenly feel quite a few.

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
6 10082

Just a range of, shorter length, stories to do with the group and their dynamics. They fall in the lines of, sort of canon. They defiantly are situations that actually happen to them, but don't really fit anywhere linear so can either be rewritten into something more, in-depth or not really mentioned as something that happened, in some cases it might mention in passing.