Phoenix Van Andel



2 years, 9 days ago


Phoenix Van Andel


Phoenix Van Andel,  more commonly recognized as the hero Rebirth, is the main character of the (fictional) comic series Almost Heroes. Headstrong and reckless, the goofy redhead tends to stand out amongst the rest of the cast.

After spending a few months attending college at Sudonn University, Phoenix is given the gift of shapeshifting and so begins their "hero arc," as some would describe it. They go about Sudonn, doing their best to make the city a better place to be, while managing to meet a few more heroes and make some friends along the way. Their sarcastic sense of humor combined with their outgoing and performative nature makes them a star to the people of the city, and Sudonn gains a representation for hosting powered individuals.

Name Phoenix Van Andel
Age 22
Gender Genderfluid
Orientation Aromantic Bi
Occupation Student
  • Phoenix doesn't actually need their glasses, but rather wears them simply for fashion.
  • Phoenix is the tallest of the Almost Heroes crew, standing at 6' 2".
  • Phoenix has a twin sister.
  • Originally, Phoenix was going to double as both their superhero and civilian name.
  • Phoenix did theater in high school.
"I'm so excited right now, I'm physically incapable of calming down, Bree."

Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Phoenix: Be gay, do crimes.

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Phoenix: I'd still say that my greatest achievement so far is beating Lea in a fight. As for the future, I don't really worry about that too much. Live in the now, y'know? You've gotta seize the day, or whatever.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Phoenix: Goose, mostly. That damn kitten has no idea how spoiled he is.

Opinions on...

"My best friend. I wouldn't be where I am today without her braincell."

"The first of the other heroes I've met and my partner in crime."

"Overpowered little shit."

Everybody Loves Me One Republic
Rise Up Imagine Dragons
Birds Imagine Dragons
Weak AJR
I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys