Marceline de la Fuente



2 years, 8 days ago


Marceline de la Fuente


Marcie de la Fuente, more commonly known as the hero Jumpstart, is one of the main characters in the fictional comic series Almost Heroes. Snarky and energetic, she tends to uplift the mood of her team and encourage the others' senses of humor.

Marcie lives in Sudonn with her sister, Abilene. The pair are superhero fanatics, who were ecstatic to hear the original news report about the appearance of Rebirth (Phoenix). They began monitoring the news constantly, waiting for any other sign of the hero. About a week into their search, Marcie herself began to show signs of having her own powers. The sisters immediately took it as a sign for Marcie to join in on the vigilante shenanigans, and thus Jumpstart was born. Jumpstart made her first appearance stopping a bank robbery, where she met Rebirth. The two became fast friends, nearly inseparable within the team.

Name Marcie de la Fuente
Age 20
Gender Female
Orientation Lesbian
Powers Electricity
Occupation Vigilante
  • Marcie is notoriously good at Mario Kart.
  • Marcie went through a punk phase in high school.
  • Marcie is the shortest of the team, standing at barely 5'.
  • Marcie is tied with Phoenix for the longest name in the cast (Marceline de la Fuente).
  • Marcie was originally going to be the rude, preppy character, but ended up changing once the script started being written.
People can't actually fly on TV, you idiot!

Marcie with her girlfriend, Andrea.
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Marcie: Make that a dollar and then maybe we'll talk.

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Marcie: Definitely that time I got away with spray painting the statue at my school and the principal's kid got in trouble for it. As for the future, I just want to make sure my friends and I stay happy.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Marcie: Netflix.

Opinions on...

"My little sister. She never ceases to amaze or annoy me."

"Idiot. Love you though, man."

*intense blushing and nervous rambling*

I Kissed A Girl Katy Perry
Teenagers My Chemical Romance
Birds Imagine Dragons
Na Na Na My Chemical Romance