


1 year, 11 months ago


The Schlegeli (Royal Penguin) Subspecies Characters and General Info

While the Schlegeli are used to cold weather temperatures, they prefer homes on cold water beaches rather then ice sheets like their Foristeri cousins. Some of the most famous Schlegeli are known for their abilities to make great food out of even the most bitter of plants. Although a handful of them will claim to be more pure of heart then the Chrysolophus, most are content forging their own path without worrying about how they and the Chrysolophus got their crowns.

Schlegeli Characters


Species Notes

Each Animalia subspecies has some unique things about them, but through their species, they share some similar characteristics. If you are drawing an Aves, please keep these things in mind. A full list of easily missed attributes and details about the Aves species can be found here. If you plan to draw or make a Aves character it is highly suggested to give the linked page a quick look.

Subspecies sheet for the foristeri can be found here (TBA) if you would like more information on them | as well as more general information about the Aves species as a whole (and rules for the TTRPG) if you are interested can be found here

Legend/ Oneshot

The Schlegeli legend consists of humble beginnings, near-death experiences and mystical crowns that only the pure of heart and wear without being burnt. The Legend of the Royal Crown may only have one start, but depending on who you ask, it has two endings. The Schlegeli's basic version can be found here.