Rusalka Kepssilyn



8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Rusalka Kepssilyn


Caelus used to affectionately call her Rusie before their relationship became strained


Unknown, although she's somewhere from her early to late-twenties during the events spoken about in Daliarivon legend; she seemed to be slightly older than Caelus


Aquanix Demon


Watyr, Darc, Poyson


Original Demon of Lynxith





Significant Other

Caelus Quilkente (best friend/love interest)

Creation Year



No blood relatives on file


Unknown, although it was somewhere on Aaquanixie

Current Home

No permanent home, was always traveling


Physical Appearance

  • Long dark blue hair with lighter blue highlights, although it turns black and red when her demonic aura strengthens
  • Long tail with matching colors to hair, has the texture of a flowing fish tail
  • Yellow eyes that turn red when she is focusing her energy; black sclera
  • Red skin, although it gains black markings after her demonic aura strengthens
  • Tall in height
  • Medium to large breasts
  • Physically fit with a strong swimmer's build

She can change her lower body to that of a snake and become an aquatic naga creature at will after her demonic aura is sufficiently powerful.

Clothing Style

Before strengthening her demonic aura, Rusalka tended to strike a balance between dressing for the warm weather of the region that would later be known as Quilkente, but also dressing somewhat modestly. She preferred lighter colors and usually wore primarily white with some black accents, which contrasted Caelus's style. She also dressed in rather durable material for all the traveling they did, and the materials were always suitable for swimming since she was an Aquanix. Her most common depiction before her aura strengthen had her wearing either a white romper or a white tank top and white shorts (honestly I'm not sure which yet, maybe a romper...?) along with thigh high white tights and shin high black leather boots. She also wore a black and white studded belt, a white hair tie, and sometimes had black painted nails.

After her demonic aura began to overtake her, she dressed much less modestly and tended to only wear swimwear, usually a bikini top and bottom. Her most common set was red and black patterned, the top having straps and a rather low cut while the bottom had four straps on each side around her thighs. She often traveled about with chains draped around her, which were held together with a metal circular clasp at her chest. She only started carrying these around with her after she began chasing after Caelus, and it's pressumed she meant to use them to keep him with her.


Originally she was a curious and adventurous young woman that would dotingly follow her best friend, Caelus, everywhere across Daliarivon. Although a little more hesitant with delving into unknown territory than her friend, she was much more open to meeting new people and holding conversations. Although Caelus would always be first to run into new lands, she'd always let him hide behind her when encountering strangers.

However, after Rusalka's demonic aura seemed to warp her personality and appearance. She clearly was afflicted with demonic insanity, yet she never seemed fully aware of it, and the sudden change in demeanor and her increasingly aggressive tendencies tore a rift between them. Rusalka remained affectionate toward Caelus, but some of her actions appeared hostile or malicious toward him simply because she seemed to be losing her grip on her sanity. After Caelus became frightened by her when some of her actions threatened his life, she gained a violent obsession with preventing him from leaving her. Although she spoke lovingly toward him, her affections were often rough or dangerous to his safety, which she never really seemed to understand.

When spoken about in legend, she is often portrayed as a spirited young woman who spiraled into demonic insanity.


  • Watyr rifting - rank 3/5, 5/5 after maxing her demonic aura
  • Darc rifting - rank 0/5, 5/5 after maxing her demonic aura
  • Poyson rifting - rank 1/5, 5/5 after maxing her demonic aura
  • Shapeshifting - naga
  • Underwater breathing and faster movement/mobility while swimming
  • Demonic strength and stamina along with high pain tolerance
  • Accelerated regeneration from demonic aura and can survive most injuries that would normally be fatal to mortals


  • Curious, focused on her goals, and persistent
  • Free spirited, unabashed, and adventurous
  • Following her demonic training, she becomes much more confident and fearless
  • Compassionate and protective (although her demonic insanity warps these qualities)


  • Afflicted with demonic insanity, which makes her very violent and unstable
  • Obsessed with being with Caelus and ensuring they can be together
  • Perception of reality is very warped and she often hurts others without meaning to
  • Hard to reason with, her empathy has crumbled, and rarely sees her own mistakes


Rusalka was a young Aquanix that lived in the newly created region of Daliarivon beneath the planet of Aaquanixie. She along with her best friend, Caelus, loved to venture out into the other regions and explore Lord Dalia's creations. The two were practically inseparable growing up. However, after meeting Jevix Xyarok, Rusalka became keen on strengthening her aura like him and become as strong and demi-godly as him. Her increased company with Xyarok along with her own obsessive training caused her demonic aura to flare up at a rapid rate, scarring her red skin and tipping her mind slowly into insanity.

With her new strength she went on to explore the vast ocean region beneath Lynxith, and she fell in love with the underwater realm. However, she dearly missed Caelus and yearned for his company. She was overjoyed when he happened upon her along the coast of the ocean, but by then she had changed drastically, both physically and mentally. She still greeted him as her beloved friend and wanted to continue exploring the world with him like before, but her shaky grasp on her sanity made her overlook her own physical changes and new capabilities, and she nearly drowned him while forcibly taking him with her into the ocean. She panicked when Caelus became afraid of her and feared he'd leave her forever, so she tried to force him to stay with her. She even successfully took him below the surface and ended up trapping him in an underwater cave to keep him from leaving.

Caelus barely managed to escape her thanks to a chance encounter with Xyarok and Aru Vetrian, and Rusalka relentlessly continued to follow him across Daliarivon. The repeated encounters between them caused him a great deal of stress while also strengthening his own demonic aura, so each time she caught up to him he seemed to get stronger in aura, making it easier for her to track him. However, instead of strengthening him like the other demons, Caelus's aura was like an affliction on his body that grew each time Rusalka found him. She never quite understood the toll it took on him and instead took this as meaning if he became more demonic like her then he'd want to stay with her, so she never gave up trying to catch him.

During the War with Yashana's doppelganger, Rusalka had no interest in the war effort and was only keen on following Caelus. She ended up fighting alongside him and the other Original Demons in the battle at Dalia's Gates simply because she was still following him. It was during the fight that Caelus's affliction finally consumed him and he perished, sending Rusalka into a murderous rampage that helped tip the scales in Dalia's force's favor.

After the War, she disappeared into the ocean under Lynxith and was never seen or heard from again. This region of Daliarivon was named Kepssilyn in her honor, and it is still said the storms and rain that frequent the region coincide with her mourning and fits of rage from the loss of her most beloved friend.


  • Rusalka is named after an entity from Slavic folklore of the same name, and it is typically a water-associated female entity that is malicious toward mankind in some way. Her last name was created first for the region of Kepssilyn, which was depicted as a mostly oceanic and treacherous place in Daliarivon.