Samael ☆



6 years, 5 months ago


Even the heartless can learn compassion.

Name Samael
Age ???
Height 7'8"
Build Lean muscle
Species Ophanim
Gender Male

How can such a vile angel be considered holy in any sense of the word.

Samael was quite notorious among the celestial spheres where the angels made their home, namely for his harsh and incredibly caustic attitude towards anything that seemed remotely alive - or not. Frequent scathing quips and comments which would rub even the most tolerant angels the wrong way. No one is really sure as to why he's so ridiculously abrasive, but no one really wants to ask him either. The only exception to his vitriol is Caim, who is saved from a majority of Samael's aggression. In fact, he's surprisingly very sweet towards his 'boyfriend'.

Even if he shows a semblance of caring for another angel, Samael is only concerned with self preservation, even if it means throwing others under the bus. Were he a human who was running from a bear, he would knock the other person down to guarantee his own safety.

Most other Angels - even if there is a hint of superiority - have an appreciation for humans. Samael, on the other hand, is the only angel who has a distaste for humans.


Samael is pretty ordinary for most Ophanim angels, however no one really seems to be able to pinpoint where he got such a horrific attitude from. He and Caim were around before the Rebellion had occurred - Samael refusing to join in because as much as he disliked the other angels, he knew it was going to fail. Much more so that he would benefit from the following order of angels that would be banded together, otherwise known as the Nemosyne. 

While he had every opportunity to 'join' the order, as he was fully capable of the things required to become a nemosyne, Samael - again - had no interest. He was more interested in how he could use this pack of 'hunting dogs' to his advantage, which would cause anguish for the one particular angel who did not want to be part of the group. There were quite a number of angels who were falsely accused by Samael and quite a number of demons who have a bone to pick with him.

The worst of them all is Samael falsely accusing Caim, his 'lover' at the time. Another angel had reported Samael for all of his false accusations towards other and to put it simply, his abuse of power. Upon being restrained and dragged away for the Mnemonic Process, Samael blurted out that he was being falsely accused and that the real culprit was Caim - listing off heaps of supposed rebellious sentiments he had 'heard' him say. This stopped the nemosyne angels in their tracks and asked him to repeat what he had said, as the 'proof' Samael gave seemed more likely than his original accusation. With that, Samael was let go and the angels set their sights on another victim.

and for the first time in his life, he had felt immense regret for what he had just done.

His mistake, selling out the person closest to him just to save his own skin, would gradually eat away at him as the days went by. The fact no one seemed to care, no one offered him any sympathy (rightly so, because he was the one that instigated the problem), all of it rolled up into the burning ball of hatred within him. Samael's own fall would be of his own accord - attacking Metatron's twin brother and scarring him badly. Shortly after, the angel known as Samael was no longer an angel.

However, he was not becoming a demon - not willingly. Even after all that, Samael was still relatively selfish and he did not want to become a demon. As (his) luck would have it, he would meet a boy in grave need of help. Help Samael would provide in exchange for a host body. The boy had no qualms with it, seeing as Samael was an angel - it meant he had to be trustworthy and caring, right?

It would be quite a rocky start to a new relationship, but eventually Samael would soften up a great deal. It's the least that could be done for someone who saved him from transforming into a demon.


  • Samael's weapon is a thorn covered whip. It requires a significant amount of his own blood to manifest - so he rarely brings it up unless extremely angry.
  • Scarred Sandalphon in an attempt to get back at Metatron for causing Caim to fall (according to him)
  • (In reality, he caused Caim to fall by falsely accusing him of wanting to rebel.)
  • Had the potential to be a nemosyne

  • Snakes

  • Literally anything you can think of, he'd find a way to complain about it.

Elliott Host Body

Initially Samael had an intense dislike for the teen, merely using him as a way to escape the inevitable fate of turning into a demon had he not found a host body to stop the transformation. He was quite harsh to Elliott, exacerbating quite a few of the problems he was dealing with - however as time went on he slowly began to develop a fondness for Elliott.

Caim Lover

Samael is surprisingly very loving towards Caim, so much so that a lot of angels were surprised he knew anything other than seething hatred. However, much like a lot of things, he took Caim's love for granted and would stab him in the back to save his own skin.