


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Loretta Lane

Nickname; Auntie Lori

Age: ย Permanently 46

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Height: 5'6"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Baker

Loretta started her life within a poor family during the Great Depression, with big dreams of a life on the stage in order to pull herself out of the poverty she grew up in. She threw her all into her acting, and her passionate performances eventually earned her great acclaim on the stage. She enjoyed her life on the stage, growing accustomed to the luxury and attention it afforded her. In return, she tried to help foster younger girls in their own journeys towards the stage as a way to give back for the luck she had encountered. Unfortunately, one such girl was her downfall, as the girl plotted rumors and scandals that quickly blacklisted Loretta from the profession that she adored and dedicated her life to. Screaming and crying, lamenting her loss and cursing the girl who she had helped only for her to backstab, wishing for nothing more than the upmost revenge, Loretta was approached by a gentle glowing light of a man, offering her an opportunity to enact her burning desire to destroy the girl as she had destroyed her.

And as the emotions worn on her sleeve calmed to an ever present smile, Loretta became the sin of Wrath.

Loretta as she is now comes across on first meeting as a kind, motherly woman with a gentle southern charm. She'll be the first to pat you on the back with a soft "What's wrong, sugar?" and listen to your woes with her calm, ever present smile. In the town her bakery is located in, she's also considered the neighborhood aunt for all of the children, referred to as "Auntie Lori" However, the soft, mellow facade hides a whirlwind of emotions underneath, most of which revolve around constantly calculating who has slighted her and what sort of retribution is best. She lives her life by the idea of "an eye for an eye, or maybe more", and if she feels someone has done her wrong, her vindictive and cruel side will show itself tenfold, but with that ever present smile. If asked for advice, she will often use her quiet demeanor to influence others to follow suit, giving into their wrathful intentions with just as much brutal force. Of course, who would ever believe them when they say that sweet Auntie Lori had any sort of influence on them?


- Sweets

- Black Coffee

- Musical Theatre

- Cats


- Sugar Substitutes

- Milky Coffees (she just prefers her milk and coffee separate)

- Big Box Movies (despises superhero movies the most)

- People who lie on Yelp


- Loretta is effectively immortal. She will not age, but she can be hurt or killed.

- When Loretta took on the Sin of Wrath, she gave up her ability to emote outwardly. The only facial expression she can make is the same, gentle smile, and nothing else. Though her emotions can still be felt but those who are in tune enough. Often when her anger seeps out, some can almost feel the looming, bear-like presence of Wrath standing behind her.

- She very rarely opens her eyes. If her eyes are open, she is either plotting something or very, very upset.

- Currently runs a bakery named "Auntie Lori's". It's a very popular spot, and along with the sweets, she'll serve coffee there as well.

- Loretta actually has a very good singing voice, and though she can no longer act, she does enjoy singing around her shop.

- There seems to be quite the fanclub in around her storefront beyond just being popular with the kids for being so sweet. It seems as though she has garnered several romantic admirers for her looks and sweet nature as well. For the most part, she'll typically ignore advances unless someone interests her.

- Loretta has the ability to more or less agitate others, getting them worked up and getting them to let their own feelings of Wrath overtake them. In a battle scenario, it keeps others from performing any task other than attacking, and can cause others to attack normally friendly parties as well.

- When letting Wrath completely overtake her for her Full Form, she basically goes into a beserker mode, attacking indiscriminately and unstoppably. This form is not one that she is able to keep up for very long and she can only use it in short spurts. Her physical strength and defense are greatly increased during this short time, however, she will attack anyone that she sees, even if someone on her side.