Blueberry's Comments

Oh my god can I know where you found the meme dog faces template or if you made it? I can’t find it anywhere but it’s hilarious and I’d love to make one too lol!

Also Blueberry is so awesome, the amount of personality and gremlin energy he has!! He’s so full of life and so lovable, it’s incredible

oh man i dont remember where i got it, i think it was like a tiny little meme on twitter at some point, but youre free to just copy my one and edit blue out! 

and thanks so much haha thats very nice to hear <3

I'M TOO A FAN, HE’S AMAZING!!!! *fangirl scream*

im glad you like him, thank you!!

Slay bestie slay! I love your little dude so much.

oh thank you! hes a lot of fun to think about thats for sure :)

We love our genderfluid bb's. I know I have plenty XD