


1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Milk

Series: Milk Series

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 12-14

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: ??

Favorite Food: Milk (no it's not cannibalism shut up)

Likes: Dairy products, Evan, baking, ribbons, stuffed animals, bells, and magic.

Dislikes: Devil-Cat, horror movies, spicy foods, sports, and being the center of attention.

Personality: Milk is very shy to the point where it's difficult for her to hold conversations with people she doesn't know very well. She has a tendency to rely on her friend Frosting in social situations, but Milk is slowly trying to gain more confidence and be more independent. She's rather kind and sensitive, but is known to get scared and cry easily.

Home: Magia Kingdom

History: Milk was born and raised in Magia Kingdom. She had trouble making friends as a kid, and for a long time her only friend was Frosting. With Frosting's help, Milk eventually befriended Evan, an aloof Unibunny who Milk has a crush on, and Taffy, a happy-go-lucky magician in-training. However, she also met Devil-Cat, who would end up causing problems for the group.

Current Bio: Milk currently lives in Magia Kingdom and goes to school with Frosting, Evan, and Taffy, and she's almost always seen with one of them. She may have some magical abilities that she hasn't discovered yet.

Meta-History: Milk was created in 2012 when I was trying to design fantasy farm creatures (possibly inspired by Rune Factory, which I didn't play until at least a year later). Milk was the only one I ended up designing: Milk and I really liked her simple and cute design. I do think that part of her design was inspired by the Pokemon Audino. My initial idea was that she was probably someone's pet, possibly for my Animals story, and her name being Milk was very much a by-product of the fact that she was initially supposed to be a fantasy farm animal (like some kind of weird alien cow?? idk). The fantasy farm animal idea obviously didn't last long though, and as soon as I created another character (Evan) I decided I should have a separate story and world for these characters. The name of Milk's species has been inconsistent over the years. On Spore she was labeled as a "Cute Demon" while on Sketchfu I labeled her as a "Fluffy Creature". At the time of writing this, I still don't have an official name for her species, but I hope to change this some day.

Relationships with other characters:

Evan: Milk has a crush on Evan, but is too shy to tell him. She originally was too timid to even talk to him, but eventually the two became friends with Frosting's help.

Frosting: Milk and Frosting are best friends.

Taffy: Milk and Taffy are good friends.

Devil-Cat: Milk is afraid of Devil-Cat and tries to avoid him as much as possible.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!