









meddling kid




  • Ner
  • Okhomun
  • His friends
  • Candy
  • Reading


  • Killing
  • Politics
  • Censoring himself
  • People being vague
  • Feeling incompetent

You made the kid kill a king? That's fucked up!

Laz is a will-o-whisp born of the soul of fae royalty known as the Crooked Prince. The Prince had been ostracized by the revealing of his half-angelic genetics. In order to gain his throne back, he sectioned off parts of his soul to dethrone his sister, reveal her corruption, and regain the favor of the court. Instead, he got Laz.

Laz, or Lazarus, forgot his mission being born of the Prince's curiosity. He grew his own sentience and created his own life for himself. Laz became an adventurer; he amassed his own little family; and he helped save the world.

Laz now lives just outside of the city of Chromatica--where Seattle, Washington once lay--with his mom, Okhomun. He is currently attending 6th grade in an attempt to be just like the other kids. As hard as he tries to fit in, something will always seem slightly off about that kid who never seems to eat and vanishes at the drop of a hat.


Best Bud!

You have an animal ally to help you solve mysteries. They can talk, but with a heavy accent (most people don’t understand).

It's a Trap!

When you make a trap to capture a monster or minion, roll +Sharp. On a hit, you capture something! On a 10+, you can choose one of these extra effects:

  • It will take some time for the victim to get free.
  • The trap inflicts harm (as an improvised weapon).
  • The trap may be reset and reused later. Roll the move again when you do so, with +1 forward.

Tell Me the Truth! (Sharp)

When you are questioning somebody to investigate a mystery, you may ask questions from the following list as well as from the usual list:

  • Who has something to gain from this situation?
  • What are you plotting?
  • Are you lying to me?
  • Who knows about _____?

Telekinesis Weird

When you make a trap to capture a monster or minion, roll +Sharp. On a hit, you capture something! On a 10+, you can choose one of these extra effects:

  • On a 10 or more, you move it. Choose two options and mark 1-harm.
  • On a 7-9, you move it but it hurts. Choose one option and mark 2-harm.
  • On a miss, something goes horribly wrong.

By default you can move something smaller than a person. You don’t have much control, and you can’t move it strongly enough to hurt anything. The following are Telekinesis options (anything not picked is not true):

  • Something is held fast.
  • Something is hurt (2-harm smash).
  • Something catches fire.
  • You can fling something bigger than a person.
  • You keep it basically under your control.
  • You suffer 1 less harm.

Doors of Perception Sharp

By using advanced psychological, pharmacological, or mental interface techniques, you may use magic with +Sharp instead of +Weird. You may choose one of these additional effects:

  • Communicate with someone or something that you cannot communicate with by normal means.
  • Analyse a clue (allowing you to investigate a mystery in a way that you would not normally be able to).
  • Give a hunter (including yourself) +1 to a rating for the remainder of the mystery (maximum +3).

Hard Head!

Any time you suffer harm from an attack, you may choose to take 0-harm. You instead are knocked out for a few minutes.


You may move freely though solid objects (but not people).


When you use an improvised weapon to attack something, you may choose one of these extra effects:

  • Momentarily stun them with a blow to the head.
  • Trip or entangle them.
  • Inflict +1 harm but the improvised weapon breaks.
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