


6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


like "atom" but with an N


Mayhem, Bootleg Lalna


God of Mayhem


Deity (in form of a Glisean alien)






Unknown, appears ~21


The Nether (to his dismay)


Flight, incarnation of RNG and extremely unpredictable, ???


note: under construction

, the God of Mayhem, entered the world with deterministic intensity. And then things may have exploded, just a little bit.

Waking up with a new set of memories is hard. Aton is still struggling with the consequences of his actions; injecting a huge amount of chaos into a faltering world has more side-effects than anyone could anticipate, with the most obvious being that everyone is starting from square one. The new world he lives in is drastically different from everything he's used to, but he can get used to it, right?

With a new world comes a new story, and to Aton's displeasure his entire being has been retconned. Instead of being a mortal alien that abruptly ascended to godhood on accident, Aton has always been the God of Mayhem that ruled alongside the other three members of the pantheon. His memories of his normal life as Leontids haven't gone away, they've just been shoved back with the appearance of a new set of memories detailing how he had, supposedly, help create the world. Which he suppose he has, if on accident.

Despite the change in backstory, Aton still has access to his Wither powers, and they're even more prominent than before. When angry, that side of him comes out in a werewolf-esque transformation that he has trouble remembering afterward; he has a reputation as a rather unpredictable god, not just with his powers over chaos but also because of being able to turn into a were-Wither at the drop of a hat if provoked.

Despite that, he's still a rather chill person, if very mischievous and prone to causing trouble. House flooded? Probably Aton! Mineshaft filled with chickens? Probably Aton! Draconic Reactor going critical and blowing up half the countryside? That might be Skal, actually.

He's some kind of alien, which makes him stick out like a sore thumb alongside the human (or human-passing) residents & deities. It's especially weird considering Leontids, while also potentially an alien, wasn't quite as obvious. He also might be a cyborg? That's fine, I guess.

Voted most likely to eat Flux.