Aton (Leontids)



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Mayhem, Leo (by Sir Jordan, Skalter, and Zaffa), Not Lalna / Bootleg Lalna


Element of Mayhem


Deity (Ascended), previously unknown


20 (pre-ascension), 21 (before retcon)






Flight, creating and destroying objects, respawn, Wither abilities (unknown)


No one really knows what Leontids's deal is? As with the rest of the Janville players, or at least the ones that didn't come from outside the server, they just showed up and made themselves at home one day. That being said, they were certainly a  latecomer; Neo Janville had already been falling into disrepair yet again, and tensions were rising between the two reigning gods, Sir Jordan and Skalter. While on friendly terms with both, Leontids kept to  themself when it came to their fellow players, with the exception of the PixelKei trio who they striked up a non-serious rivalry with. Sir Jordan worried about what to do with the town, Skalter got more and more frustrated, PixelKei built their cave in some far-off corner of the world, and Leontids kept building their tower.

Things rapidly came to a head between the two gods: Skalter, fed up with the repeated decay of the town and with Sir Jordan's apparenty shirking of responbilities  (not helped by Leontids pulling him away from duties so they could both  cause a bit of mischief in the PixelKave), started a fight that escalated into a full-on God War. Normally Sir Jordan would've been able to stop it quickly, especially with no one else currently in town that would get stuck in the middle... up until Skalter decided to summon a fucking Wither.

Which was Leontids's fault, actually.

With all that being said, Sir Jordan was able to stop the Wither summoning  (in part because Leontids had only given Skalter a verbal explanation, so he didn't really know what he was doing) and, still furious about what happened, booted Skalter out of Janville and into the wilderness for a while. And so Janville was down to just one god... until, with the  spontaniety that followed everything they did, Leontids abruptly found out that hey, they're a god now too, what's up with that?

(No one, including Leontids, has no idea what's up with that. They have their own theories involving the Wither summoning getting botched more than Sir Jordan or Skalter realized, but not enough concrete proof to follow up on it.)

In a way, Sir Jordan got what he wanted-- after Skalter returned  from his short-lived exile, Leontids's god-powered antics brought life of some sort back to Janville. It even led to the arrival of Zaffa, who they'd been friends with before their arrival, and plans to expand beyond Janville's walls to Rail's End and further. Pretty much no one knew what to expect with them around, and that ended up being the disruption in everyday life that everyone needed.

Good things don't last forever. Another God War-- or rather, just a Godfight, due to how fast and relatively uneventful  it was-- started, this time between Sir Jordan and Leontids. Neither of them like to talk about what caused it, but the end result is undeniable: Sir Jordan exiled Leontids, not just to outside Janville like he'd done to Skalter but outside of Crusadia itself. Even the Nether and End were inaccessible to them. Without Leontids's presence, things  in Janville slowed to a crawl yet again.

It had been around six months since Leontids's exile. Everyone had gradually left, leaving behind half-finished buildings and groundworks for designs that never got off the ground. Even Skalter had left, leaving Sir Jordan as the  sole inhabitant. Leontids's tower, the castle they'd spent so long  building pre-Ascension, had been torn down ages ago and replaced by a  towering tree as a monument to the fact that they'd at least existed once. With Janville seemingly at its end, Sir Jordan was ready to clear the slate and move on to the next attempt, like he'd done before.

Sir Jordan decided to take his chances. Leontids's exile was something he regretted, and while he had no idea if they would ever return (it had been six months, after all) the least he could do was give them the chance to. It was just a small crack, really-- the beginning of a doorway to let them in. At the same time, though, Leontids-- growing frustrated with their isolation-- flung themself and all their gathered power at the barrier locking them out only to realize too late what was going on.

Leontids, the Element of Mayhem, re-entered the  server with deterministic intensity. And then things may have exploded,  just a little bit.