Mason DelCid



1 year, 11 months ago


Mason DelCid

Nicknames None

Gender Trans Man

Pronouns He/Him

Age 18

Nationality Guatemalan

Birthday December 17th 2001

Height 5'7

Playlist Mason's Playlist

HTML Pinky


Mason DelCid is student body Vice President! Mason and Fern were the only two students running, and Fern won by a landslide. People didn't vote for Mason because he was quiet and had weird interests, with one of the biggest ones being the occult. When he was about 14, he made a deal with the devil: the devil would give him the body he wanted, BUT ONLY for three years. After that, the devil got to keep his soul for all of eternity. It has been WAY past three years, and the only thing keeping Mason alive is the fact that every time something tries to kill him, Fern is there to die in his place. Every time, no matter what. He is convinced that the girl he once found annoying is an actual angel. Aside from almost dying every day, Mason loves to write and take care of animals. He is the closest thing there is to a vet in town, and his foster parents let him run a little sanctuary in their garage.



He loves them and they love him back. He owns a LOT of them. Anything from cats to tarantulas.

Video games

He has a Nintendo DS that his foster parents gave him. Aside from that, he can play some games on his shitty old desktop.


It's the only sport he enjoys playing. He is part of the basketball club in his school.

Dark clothes

Partially because it hides his body the best, partially because he's kind of emo.



Mason is a VERY sensitive person. Any type of teasing, no matter how lighthearted, upsets him. The only person who gets away with it is Vincent, because Mason knows he doesn't mean it.

Social situations

He's a very anxious person.


Self explanatory. He is a very quiet person and prefers to be around people who are also quiet.

Existential discussions

They freak him out and keep him up at night.







Beatrice was the first person to talk to him when he first moved to Prairie. He sensed her aura and it was unlike any person he's ever met. He interprets this as her being his soulmate. Ever since, he's been trying everything he can to make her like him. He joined the Anomaly Club and has been successful in getting her to be his friend, but hasn't had any real success romantically.




Vincent knew of Owen, but never really got to know him. It wasn't until they both joined the Anomaly Club that they started to get to know each other. Vincent tries really hard to be his friend, but their personalities contrast so much that they often butt heads. Vincent envies Owen's intelligence and strength, he feels Owen has everything he lacks.



Half Brother

Vincent has always loved his older brother a lot. They used to be very close but over the years they grew apart because of Vincent's career and the divorce. Vincent blames himself for the way his dad would neglect Scott growing up. He continues to try to mend their relationship but Scott's still upset and not willing to let things go.