


1 year, 11 months ago



Name : Wildsong
Wild –– for his unruly nature as a kit
Song –– for his mimicry of birdsong
Pastnames : Wildkit, Wildpaw
Age : 43 moons
Birth Season : New Leaf (March 2017)
Gender : Cis Tom (he/him)
Rank : Warrior
Allegiance : StarClan, TimberClan
Mentor : Pennystem

Summary : A shaggy-coated black tom
Genetics : Shorthair/Longhair Black Self [Chimera]
Breed : Domestic Shorthair/Longhair
Eye Colour : Hazel
Height : 9"
Body Type : Lean, careworm, and frail with a ruddy back

caring . shy . nervous

Once rowdy and untamed, Wildkit grew to be a gentle soul plagued with debilitating anxiety and self-doubt. Often unsure of himself, the dark tom frequently imagined that he had the ire of his clanmates - this insecurity led him to become something of a recluse, closed off to those outside his small family, early to rise for his tasks, and quick to retire to secluded areas. As time passed his clanmates began to coax him out of his shell, allowing Wildsong to blossom into the intelligent and kindhearted cat he is remembered as. Remarkably empathetic, he is one of the few warriors to befriend some of MountainClan's most controversial figures - and to his last breath he could not understand why they must fight and hate. Although still timid, approaching and in death, Wildsong has found the strength to stand for his convictions.

  • birdwatching
  • peace and love on the planet earth
  • stories
  • battle
  • conflict
  • hate
  • Taurus


Parents : Littleshade (mum), Pennystem (mom), Sunsplash (mother)
Mate : Dustyspirit, Orchid
Kits : Berry, Birch, Chickadeewtcher, Duckdown, Orchidthorn, Stag
Grandkits : Dragonkit, Harpykit, Wizardkit

The sole child born to Littleshade and Sunsplash, Wildkit earned his name both to his appearance and tanacity in his earliest days - a trend that continued throughout his kithood, and as his peers began to age out into apprentices he was determined to prove he was just as worthy. This hubris led his small form out in a storm, where he was struck in the head by a bit of debris - causing him to panic and hide for days before he was found. He spent moons in the stewards den, recovering, the irony of the situation being that his folly caused him to be apprenticed late. No longer the bold and rambunctious cat he had once been, he only receded further into himself when Littleshade passed. The trauma of the event left both physical and psychological scars, the tom now bore a head tilt and found that his steps drifted at an angle as he walked - and stress only exacerbated the condition, at times causing his legs to slip from beneath him. In addition to his general anxiety and insecurity, Wildsong also harbored a deepseated phobia of storms. Unable to efficiently fight or utilize standard hunting techniques, Wildsong took to watching the birds - and began to recognize their habits, their diet, and their unique songs. He even began to break the birds which the clans were familiar with into subtypes, and theorized about the aspects of their life which were not easily observable. Armed with this knowledge, he developed a hunting style which suited his capabilities.

Socially, Wildsong did not recover well into warriorhood - when young Houndpaw found his preferred birdwatching spot, inquiring about the habit. The pair became fast, albeit unlikely, friends. As a result he began to expand his social circle, conversing with the MountainClan warrior Magpiethroat at a gathering and finding kinship with her, as well as forming a connection with fellow recluse Dustyspirit. When the TimberClan nursery was raided he was surprised to meet Magpiethroat there, he tried to speak with her instead of battle - but she persisted, and he was forced to fight. Naturally he failed, leaving him with a scar across his chest and a distaste for magpies. He did not allow the experience to close him off, though, finding friendship in his clan and across the border. Eventually he and Dustyspirit decided to start a family, and asked Glassflower to serve as surrogate. Yet as tensions between the warring clans escalated Wildsong began to fear for the future of his kits, and spoke with the enemy leader to establish peace - coming to think of Coalstar, too, as a friend. He arranged for a truce at Little Pond, but due to a series of miscommunications a fight broke out instead - and he wandered around, calling for peace, only to be slain by his once-friend Magpiethroat and her mate. He took his last breaths besides his dying mate, felled by a tragic accident, and at the same moment their - now orphaned - kits were born back at camp.

code by jiko