Cordelia Willowbleu (Wayfarer's Blight)



3 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


Polearm (Enchanted)


If it's not on the schedule please, for the love of my sanity, don't squeeze it in."


House of Roaring Tempest | Neptune, Seamstress of the Tides

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Female (She | Her)




6'1" (185.42cm)


Crathe, Themba



"S teady and serene, Cordelia is someone who—upon first glance—you may think is cold and reserved. You would be right on one account; Cordelia is a very tightly-wound and guarded individual. She tends to keep her outward emotions unflinching, rarely giving into fits of emotional outbursts and opting instead for a level-headed poise. She has a certain presence that would make you believe you were speaking with royalty. Where life is concerned, she is a planner, never rushing into a situation without having first taken meticulous consideration of her options and the routes all decisions may lead to.

However, Cordelia is far from cold and unfeeling. Her poise comes from a need to set an example for her peers, as she is very conscious of those around her. When she devotes her time and attention to those she claims as her own, she loves wholly with her heart. In a way, this makes her tend toward the maternal side, although taking action on the behalf of others may come across as belittling or controlling. At her core, she is a very altruistic person, giving more than expecting. Though don't ask her about things related to vulgarity. While not sheltered, she is more prudish in that regard, turning her nose up at depravity.

Take care not to wrong her. Beneath the layers of her reserved demeanor, Cordelia is downright scathing in her fierceness. Though not quick tempered, she does have a righteous fury and a way of reminding you when she's seen red. You might want to steer clear of her path then...or hope you're well enough liked for her to reign in her temper.

Combat + Powers

str +1

dex +2


mag +3



House of Bramble

House of Roaring Tempest

Cordelia reaches into the ground, summoning a cluster of vines that act with her will. Cordelia can use these vines to either attack with thorny whips, trap her target in a thick group of twisting vines, or bring up an entire bramble of vines to shield from attacks.

When shielding, the vines work best against magical attacks that are anything but fire. Physical attacks, however (especially from larger creatures), have a more effective time breaking through her shield of vines. Her vine cluster can encase up to five people. The more time she uses her bramble as a shield, the less effective it will be each time and the quicker it can be destroyed


Palace of Solar Sanctuary

Sunlight powers through her father's polearm. Harvesting the light of day, Cordelia draws in the sunlight to create whips or beams of light that she can lash with or blast (respectively) at her targets. Her beams of light can also be fired at point-blank range.

When she uses her sunlight whips, Cordelia can choose to bind her target through an effect called Sunbound. On large creatures, this may only be one part of their body. The amount of energy it takes to hold a bound target may cause Cordelia temporary blindness (1 Turn). Sunbound can ONLY be used during strong sunlight and once per battle.

Sunstreaker as a whole is strongest in the daytime and weakest at night or during overcast. At best, she can use the light as a beacon.

Ye of Little Faiths

Palace of Moonlit Memories

Calling forth the spirits in the nearby area, Cordelia requests one of the six types of elementals to aid in an attack. Rolling a 1d6, she can call upon the following:

  • Star Spirits - Allows for a rain of stars to attack an opponent (i.e. Swift from Pokemon)
  • Fire Spirits - Sets fire to an enemy target or surrounding area.
  • Fog Spirits - Conceals an ally or its user from view, giving advantage on a strike.
  • Shadow Spirits - Causes an enemy target temporary blindness.
  • Electrical Spirits - Immobilizes a target.
  • Jewel Spirits - Compels a target to move closer without triggering an attack.

These effects are usually 1 Turn only. However, Cordelia must also roll a 1d3 when she calls upon the spirit to determine its threat level. On a 1 or 2, the spirit is considered friendly. On a 3, the spirit is considered hostile and may turn any of those attacks on her instead.


Chapter 1 - The Forests We Call Home

The Willowbleu family, in Crathe, was known for their proud yet stern leaders. What once began as a house of agricultural study, a modest farmer's dream, grew into a prosperous and noble household over the decades that passed. The title of Duchess had long been inherited by the first woman of the Willowbleu ancestral line, and since then, it had always been passed down through a system of matriarchy, the surname always assumed by the husband marrying into the family.

Cordelia was the only child between her mother, Plumeria, and her Father, Daxton. Both of her parents were avid researchers and educators in Crathe, respectively—though her father had once been part of the military forces that aided in its protection from outside forces and from Taoiseach's cruelty. Following the news of his wife's pregnancy, Daxton had retired thereafter to help raise Cordelia. Plumeria had never been of frail health, but because of the Willowbleu's status, it helped to have another guard and pair of eyes to ensure no one looking to seize control of the household was successful in their treachery.

Cordelia grew up deeply connected to nature, not only on account of her family's agricultural background, but also due to Crathe's close proximity to Xester. Nature was quite beautiful to her, and it wasn't rare that Mother or Father had to locate where their young daughter had pranced off to for the day, leading her back home by the hand. What Cordelia did in nature wasn't entirely play, however; the fledgling fawn had a particular attunement for magic. Magics under the Roaring Tempest came naturally to her, yes, but where Cordelia’s affinity fell most was toward the drifting spirits of the land--sometimes restless ones, sometimes playful. Sometimes dangerous. Amid her control over the environment's vines, much of Cordelia's social interactions also came from her relationships with lesser elementals and spirits. Of all her magic and study, she took interest most in the spiritual and its connection to the world around her.

Fancies of being an environmentalist and her interests in the Spiritual Realm all took a backseat, however, the moment her mother fell ill suddenly.

Chapter 2 - No Longer a Fawn

Perhaps matters would have been simpler had her mother been claimed by the Midnight's Bane of Themba. Yet life was never that simple; in the subterfuge that often plagued houses of nobility and disgruntled third parties, assassination attempts would always complicate matters. A slow-acting poison had claimed her mother, one that had slipped through undetected. It did not instantly kill her, but overtime, it had made her mother weaker and weaker, more of a shell of a woman than the proud Plumeria most in the household remembered. Some suspected it was even members of the Willowbleu's estranged family…

Plumeria's condition was not a death sentence yet, but she also could not assume her duties anymore when fits from her poisoning kept her bedridden and, at times, incoherent. Tradition in the family mandated that only Willowbleu blood relatives could inherit the title of Duke or Duchess. Daxton could help from a limited position as a parent, but management of the house and affairs would fall solely on Cordelia so long as her mother was debilitated by her condition.

Maintaining the legacy was all that mattered to Cordelia—all that could possibly matter to her. So, at just shy of seventeen years old, Cordelia became Duchess, Lady of the Willowbleu house. Gone was the fawn of her youth, replaced instead by the commanding presence she often sought in Plumeria.

While her mother stuck to the ways of the old, one area Cordelia and her mother differed was in how they handled tradition. True, there were some traditions Cordelia could not change, but she could alter how she spoke with other houses and how she wished to enfold her community. Connections, Cordelia found, were one of her strong suits, part of what she had loved to do with her own spiritual magic; to ally herself with other influential families (not limited solely by their wealth). Close, longstanding confidants often found this method of hers dangerous, entrusting her affairs to persons she had no broader knowledge of.

Though Cordelia was by no means foolish like her older associates often accused. She instead researched every merchant, family, and house she connected with. And she also took the time to properly cover her assets. Hiring a helping hand, both to protect and to help around the house, became of utmost priority. While her magic could certainly keep her protected well enough, the young lady Cordelia had hired—Cerise—was specifically assigned to watch over Plumeria for the time she remained alive.

As time passed, her mother eventually succumbed to her condition, leaving no lingering question to Cordelia's authority over the household.

Much of Cordie's life's work went into assisting with Crathe's rebuilding and structural integrity. Although she was familiar with the other cities in Themba, she did not always find the time to venture out herself. So, following Plumeria's passing, Cordelia subsumed Cerise into her charge and tasked her often with making those journeys on Cordelia's behalf. Though she may be content with her position, at times, she can't help but yearn to pick up where she'd left off those many years ago...


Relationship description.

Relationship description.


  • Has a love of chamomile tea and teas in general. You may always find fresh brews with her.
  • Her spell Sunstreaker is a spell her father taught her. When she took over matters of the house, Daxton gifted her his polearm. It's rare to find Cordelia without it.
  • One of her best childhood friends, Ignatius Knoll, often helps manage the estate with her. He is a very close confidant.
  • She loves children, babies especially. It's a shock she hasn't found the time to make a family of her own...
  • Birds sometimes perch on her antlers. She's fine with this!
  • Personality Type: INTJ-A.
  • Voiced by Amanda C. Miller.

code by Leporidactic