Tezzie (Wayfarer’s Blight)



2 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info


Harp Bow (Enchanted)


If knowledge is a weapon, then mine is the sharpest."


House of Lyrical Enchantmemt | Seongjin, The Master of Insight

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Perrin's Tree Frog


Female (She | Her)




5'1" (154.94cm)


Balding City, Bion



"T his froggy is rather serious, and as a result, she is often cutthroat with her words without altogether meaning to be hurtful. Well, not all the time, at least. Spending time alone has lent itself to making her fairly awkward around people and handling them, especially with emotional outbursts, but her awkwardness is not to be conflated with a shy or meek personality. Tezzie is anything but shy, as she can come off as cynical or callous when she has something to say, and has been irritated enough to be snippy. She doesn't necessarily have a short fuse, but she can quickly lose her patience and become frustrated with others when they're not on the same page. Perhaps this is, in part, due to the fact that she does not trust others easily and keeps her guard up. However, prove yourself to her, and you will gain a valuable ally that will share her favorite stories with you. You can count on her words to be what she honestly feels, as she has no need to lie and dislikes it when others speak in flowery riddles that are meant to confuse.

Although she treats all matters with the utmost severity and seriousness, Tezzie is confident when she feels she is correct or capable of something, and that can at times make her competitive and vain. If you ask this frog to jump, she will instead aim to soar. And although she's rough and tumble, preferring to put in the effort as opposed to taking an easy way out, she is smart enough to recognize when situations feel unwinnable. Vocal and sassy though she may be, she analyzes situations first, and makes her decisions based on what she can understand, not always following through on what she feels. She's very literal in that regard, ever the pragmatist.

Combat + Powers

str +1

dex +2


mag +3



True Sight

House of Lyrical Enchantment

Tezzie taps into her powers of insight, sharpening her vision. While True Sight is active, Tezzie can trace a passive spell that is in use around her (5ft/153cm radius). This applies both to objects and people. The object or person will give a faint aura, denoting the type of magic currently in use (i.e. one of the Palaces or Houses). Items, or persons, that are invisible may also show a faint aura or outline to her eyes. Because of the nature of this spell, she will have tunnel vision and can only focus on ascertaining one thing at a time. This works for spells only and NOT magical afflictions.

While focusing on an object or target, she can choose to dispel the magic that is CURRENTLY in use for 1 Turn/Round on a (1d20). When successful (10+), she must spend 3 turns before she can dispel magic again.

Tinker's Thinker

Palace of Solar Sanctuary

If a physical object is damaged or broken, Tezzie focuses on its shape to help mend any wear and tear. The object in question must be a max of 4ft/121cm in size. The more damaged the item or construction, the more energy she exerts to repair it and will need to take a short rest. If the item is magical in nature, she cannot repair the magical enchantment if it has been weakened severely or destroyed. Only its physical form.

Mind Grasp

House of Divine Mysteries

Tezzie uses her mind in order to manipulate tangible objects around her. This may involve lifting them, pushing them away, or pulling them closer. Objects, or persons, must not exceed her weight limit (131lbs/59.42kg). If pushed, targets/objects near or below her weight limit may be forcefully knocked back.


House of Lyrical Enchantment

As a bookworm, Tezzie has read many texts, and as such, she can weaponize excerpts from books she's read. When she speaks the words aloud, the lines and symbols of the text will take physical form, allowing her to wield them either as weapons or ammunition. Depending on the context of the book she recites, the weapon's shape may change form. Visually, the weapon appears as a cluster of textual symbols, and while two-dimensional/flat in shape, it can still cause damage. Her preferred Wordplay weapons are swords or arrows, the latter of which she pairs with her harp bow.

If a target is struck by this spell, Tezzie can choose to "mark" her target for a 24-hour period. This can only affect ONE target at a time. When marked, she is able to use Omnipotence. The mark shows as a textual symbol.


House of Divine Mysteries

Tezzie uses the textual mark from Wordplay in order to scry on her target. Concentrating, she taps into the temporary connection in order to observe their location. Although she is unable to hear her target, she can observe their actions for up to five minutes. This spell works only for locations she has been to and on the same Realm.

Tezzie must roll a MAG attack in order for Omnipotence to remain undetected by her target. Otherwise, the target knows that they are being watched and the spell fails. If the target has been willingly marked, however, they can choose to intentionally fail.


Child Prodigy

Children who are said to be too smart for their ages are often deemed precocious, and that was exactly the way Tezzie had been described all throughout her youth. To live in a city such as Balding while not possessing any noble credentials, some families—like the Amador family—had to find their merit through other means. Both of Tezzie’s parents had been university professors from the heart of Damia City, taking up research into the study of magic and the mark that had plagued Bion for many generations, yet once they had married, they’d moved to Balding in order to start a life. That was where they had their first daughter, Tezzie, and eventually their second, Tessa, just a few short years after Tezzie was born.

Tezzie had always been quick to pick up information; whether it was going from crawling straight to running, or understanding her first picture book, Tezzie studied with a voraciousness her parents could take pride in. It wasn’t rare to find Tezzie with a book, reading alongside Tessa, or sticking her fingers in different magical contraptions. Because while Tezzie did favor books, she never minded getting her hands dirty either. Balding City’s reputation for its jewels and mining had her fascinated at the way enchantments and magic worked. Building something from nothing. When she and her sister played pretend, Tezzie’s interest for creating sprawling cityscapes filled to the brim with different magical enhancements always wormed its way into their little games. This would be the kindling for her passion in engineering, as well as her prodigious study for magic. Always carrying a wrench on her hip, a pocketbook filled with notes, or a bolt in her hair. Fixing contraptions would become less of a hobby and more of an aspiration, and it was often the only thing her peers approached her for.

Building relationships with her peers was not as easy as tweaking the levers or pulleys to her miniature city. She didn’t pursue friendships with the same vigor or intensity as she did her studies. It wasn’t to say she disliked people; people, she knew, were a vital part to society. Only, Tez had an intensity about her that made her seem unapproachable, even sometimes to her own sister, and she did not adjust her personality for the others around her. Sometimes, the uneducated would accuse her of being marked herself, for nothing more than because she was “mean” then it must be so. This didn’t often end well, as Tezzie was not a stranger to following through on their threats if they wished to fight. She gained a reputation of being difficult to deal with, though none of her classmates could deny her ability with magic. At most, her peers sought her out for tutoring or if something broken needed fixing. Some may have called it a relationship born of equivalent exchange, not quite friendship. And as such, Tezzie spent her time most in the libraries of her hometown, or in Damia. After all, solitude wasn’t so terrible when you could never know who may be next marked by the Forlorn.

That was something her parents had stressed, at least her father did. Stay alert, have your wits. After all, the Queen and King of Bion were no longer known for their kind hand, as rumors of their strange behavior circulated up until the moment of their “unfortunate” passing. She was too young to have known it at the time, but her parents certainly knew. So, Tezzie kept her circle of friends small, and private, as a result. And she never shirked on her spell practice either.

Although she did not research the Forlorn as steadfastly as her parents had, the magic in particular that wrapped around the abhorrent creature—and its mark—did become a topic of study from time to time. It was one of the main reasons that, as she grew older, Damia City began to call for her. With a new Queen on the throne, Tezzie left Balding City in order to attend some of the region’s finest universities, pursuing a focus in magical engineering and working alongside the city’s technicians once she had graduated. If your teleporter is malfunctioning, or you’ve noticed some of the protective enchantments in your home to be a bit dim, this frog is your gal.


Relationship description.

Relationship description.


  • Don't ask about her tongue or her stickiness. Just don't.
  • Uses Mind Grasp fairly liberally and will avoid touching people through its use. She does have a slight aversion to making direct contact with others due in part to the feel of her skin.
  • Dislikes the water. Though she recognizes the irrationality of it, she is convinced the water is out to get her.
  • Plays the harp!
  • Best subjects: history, writing, science. Least favorite: politics, psychology, social studies.
  • There is a reason she is duo ranger class; she is surprisingly pretty active & physical.
  • Often fiddles with a pocketful of tiny tools when concentrating or stressed.
  • Hates procrastinators and lazy people.
  • Battle Theme: A Boat Made from a Sheet of Newspaper" - Risk of Rain 2
  • Personality Type: ISTJ-A.
  • Voiced by Abby Trott.

code by Leporidactic