emelda alcaraz



1 year, 10 months ago


"I don't think I'll ever know who I am."

Soul'd Out - Alive


Emelda Alcaraz is two things: a trained assassin and a flamenco dancer. Ever since she was a little kid, her parents have taught her to kill in cold blood using the same fan she wields to dance. Her father says that she's an enemy to be reckoned with. But on the inside, Emelda is an insecure little girl. She's just trying to do whatever pleases her demanding dad. This can get in the way of friendships and make her look like a total hypocrite...though no one's going to complain if they never find out. Right?

Emelda Alcaraz
April 25th
Girl (she/her)
1/2 Mexican / Japanese
Sapphic (♀ pref)


On the outside, Emelda is just a cheerful and friendly gal…but that’s only on the outside. When it comes to her true personality, she’s just going with the flow. And I mean literally; her whole life is comprised of listening to her father’s orders and obeying, then only pretending to be nice to others so she can carry out whatever dreadful plan her dad has for them. Yet, she’s unsatisfied and insecure about her identity. More specifically, with her family, ethnicity that makes her feel left out, and a sexual orientation not very accepted in the early 2000s where Imago Daze takes place..


  • Emelda considers herself to be a music fanatic. Her favorite artists come from pop and hip-hop, one of them being Spice Girls. But don't tell Luciano that; he doesn't like this kind of music.
  • She isn't scared to admit she has a growing collection of stuffed animals. Her mom gave one to her as a little kid and she's been hooked ever since.
  • Two things Emelda hates are ice cream and frogs. Ice cream gives her a really big brain freeze, and frogs are just too slimy for her.
  • On the contrary, she loves any and all sorts of pasta and noodles. She has her own recipe for ramen she's made from scratch (and with the advice of her mother, of course).
  • As a kid, Emelda loved Sailor Moon. It was one of the fondest shows of her childhood. Her favorite is Sailor Saturn.
  • Some of her other hobbies include: drawing, fashion and designing outfits (she really sucks at it but don't ruin her dream like that:( ), and exploring. Whenever she went outside as a kid, you could always find her climbing trees or rolling in the mud.



Luciano taught Emelda that necromancers sucked, and he trained her in order to kill them with fans under the disguise of flamenco dance lessons. Emelda grew up pretty much following his lead, but when it came to who she was as an individual she struggled a lot. There were many parts of her identity she didn't understand yet. As a result, she felt confused and unsatisfied with herself. When Luciano assigned her to killing Santiago, she didn't have the heart to and instead became friends with them and Hazel.


Emelda was born in Mexico. She grew up with her father always feeding her propaganda about necromancers - about how terrible, no-good, and scummy they were. In contrast, he also told her how the Alcaraz family deserved respect and honor for their valorant deeds, yet they were shunned out from the rest of society. Emelda often asked what her family had done to be treated so poorly, but he would never answer.

On the other side of things, there was Emelda's mother, who was from Japan. Emelda was always interested in learning more about a culture that was different than the country she was growing up in. Yet her mother was reserved and quiet. There was the occasional Japanese lesson or conversation about scattered topics, though their relationship didn't develop much. Emelda always felt something was off about her, but was never able to pinpoint it.

For school life, Emelda was home schooled. Her dad did most of the work while her mother was out doing jobs or taking care of other things around the house. She learned a lot more sucky things about necromancers. Combining that with being isolated from other kids most of the time, Emelda began to feel scared yet intrigued of the outside world (think of Rapunzel from Tangled).

The only thing that really kept her going was her dance lessons. And martial arts ones. Both, sort of mixed into one? Long story short, her dad had a tutor who taught her the art of flamenco dancing. To compliment that, her mother got her a tutor for using a Japanese fan as a weapon, as well as other close-combat techniques. Unfortunately, the little girl had no clue that her fun classes were molding her into a killer.

I'm really tired of writing I'll add more later oops


Santiago Clemente Alvarez [link]

Emelda was raised to believe that all necromancers sucked, and Santiago was no exception. In fact, she was his first major target. But instead of killing him, she messed up and was forced to play innocent for a while. Once he finally caught on, she started to be more honest with him. They began a genuine friendship as Santiago helped her navigate her troubled family life, and in the end stuck together as close friends.

Luciano Alcaraz Velasquez [link]

Oh look, it's the guy who made Emelda's life terrible. Well, if you've read his bio, you know he obviously didn't mean to and that it was a product of being insecure himself. Regardless, though, the two still have a strained relationship. They REALLY DO love each other with all their heart. The problem is just expressing it. Luciano doesn't want to come off as cheesy and sentimental, while Emelda wants a normal murder-free dad/daughter bond.

Hazel Meyers [link]

The two first met when Emelda failed to assassinate Santiago. Hazel was already onto Emelda's friendly act and played an important part of uncovering it. After that, the two acted distant to each other. However, upon learning of Emelda's messy family life, Hazel immediately came to her aid with sympathy. She forgave her for the past and ended up becoming her loving girlfriend. Take that, depressing backstory B)

Valeria Delana Vegas [link]

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