Ethan (Blood Moon AU)



2 years, 7 months ago


Blood Moon Ethan

"Fine, I'll try holding it off."

original name

eyvar garnik















Ethan has a quiet and calm personality. Due to his memory loss he has lost his way of feeling certain emotions, sadness and pain. Which heavily reflects on how he deals with certain situations. He cares about others but cannot always show it like he wishes he could. He tries his best to stay polite, even though sometimes his somewhat disconnected natures gives him off a cold vibe. To those who he loves and cares about he would do anything in his power to care and protect them. Since he lost memories of his past, when asked upon he cannot recollect anything before he was found at the temple. He sometimes recollects memories from absorbing or eating Blood Moon Crystals. Which can throw him into a panic attack.


Kind, but sometimes odd due to not being able to control his emotions. Unable to feel pain or sadness. Cares and protects whoever he finds worthy. Has panic attacks at times.

Old Ionian tale once told a story about a dragon that fell in love with a human. The dragon went so far to even change his immortal grand form to that of a mere human. All in turn for the love of a man. But the man turned his back to the dragon. Tricked him into lowering his guard. As the dragon got captured , shamed and mutilated by the townsfolk. In rage the man, once a dragon, exploded into his true demonic form. Burning his heart away, and so did the area and the people who once lived in it. However, even through his rage, he refused to kill the one he truly loved . Showing weakness, his betrayer took his chance and cast a spell that locked him away in a crystal husk. Locking him away from forever seeing the Blood Moon.

Years later Moody’s men discovered an abandoned temple on their expedition. Finding a gigantic crystal dragon statue. Once one touched the statue it shrunk to the size of a human. A man collapsed from the crystals. Unconscious. They took him with them to Moody.


Dragon demon fell in love with a human, got captured, escaped and destroyed everything around him. Got imprisoned by his love, to be years later be found by Moody's men.














In his human form he is considerably weaker than his dragon form. He is still able to use the strength, and speed of that of his other form but not to its fullest potential. He is able to transform some assets on his body like legs, arms, claws and such. Horns and tail are most of the time visible, but can be hidden if he wants to.

His dragon form. A mythical lizard-like creature, able to float into the air, spit fire and ink as he pleases. He is able to use his full strength and speed. However this does not go without cost. Due to his “accident” he is unable to turn back in his dragon form. If he tries he will transform into this deformed dragon monster, which he has no control over. The transformation does not feel painful but instead feels good. However he knows it will hurt others, as he is unconscious once transformed. It will wander around looking for energy to consume, destroying everything in his path. (This includes humans and demons alike)


Able to extrude a liquid that bursts into flames when hitting the air. These skin pores are almost everywhere on his skin. The liquid organ is just above the longs. A small sack that is connected also to the mouth. Able to spit it out, creating a fire effect.


Ethan does not have a heart. His organs are completely powered on ink and the Blood Moon juice (yes I don’t have a name for it. Cope) This does not beat. He has extremely low stamina. Meaning he has to take multiple breaks to keep himself sane. If it happens he runs out of energy he will fall down and is unable to move. However he is able to take energy from a reserve energy bank to get back up. This is connected to his dragon form. Using this too much will force him to transform. He knows this and will always try to avoid transforming.

Blood Moon Crystals

Ethan can either consume or drain these crystals and can boost his demonic form. Draining it will give him more strength and a bit of regeneration, as well as that the crystal can be reused again later. However when he eats he will be permanently stronger, have a higher dexterity, and constitution he will regenerate faster, but will trigger him transforming into his demonic dragon form.


Resting (His favorite hobby)

Raw beef

Heat & warmth

Violin music


Sour food

Rainy weather

Transforming back to his humanoid form

Unable to move due to exhaustion


AU created on: 6th of June 2022


  • This AU is set in the League of Legends Blood Moon Universe.
  • In demon form Ethan cannot control himself, and is unconscious.
  • Human for 1,85m/6'0ft
    Mid transformation around 3,20m/10'4ft
    Dragon form length (Not height! Eastern dragon be long) 30m/98.4 ft
  • Voice Reference




Father of the Moon. When Ethan was found by Fenrhys , he brought him to Moody. Moody saw the potential in him, and accepted him within the cult ranks. Ethan sees Moody as a respectable and loyal leader who cares about his subordinates. Even though Moody might not seem like much when in his humanoid form, Ethan knows he should not mess with him. Respecting the decisions he makes, and faithfully following his orders.



The Master of Passages.The living doll TwoCoats. Ethan met him through the Blood Moon cult. There is a certain respect Ethan has for TwoCoats when it comes to his craft in creating these portals. But the elegant and luxurious life of TwoCoats didn’t really suit Ethan much, and so never much interacted with one another. Until a certain event happened, which TwoCoats just so happened to know of. Not wanting TwoCoats to leak his unfortunate accident, Ethan struck a bargain with TwoCoats. For Ethan to do anything for him as TwoCoats pleases. Even through their little “contract” he still sees TwoCoats as an ally. Growing closer to each other due to the event.



The right hand of the Father of the Moon. Ethan met Pyke through the Blood Moon temple.Being placed in Pyke’s care to train Ethan into a deadly assassin. Him and Pyke occasionally get send on assassination missions together. They don’t necessarily interact with each other outside their training and missions.



The Guardian & Blood Hound of the Blood Moon temple. Fenrhys stumbled upon this ruined hidden temple when being sent out on an expedition around the Blood Moon temple area. Fenrhys saved Ethan from being stuck forever inside a crystal imprisonment within this temple. Sometimes Ethan has to help around Fenrhys but this is mostly on rare occasions. Even though Fenrhys is lower in rank, Ethan respects him heavily for his courage and loyalty towards the Blood Moon.



The Shaman of the Blood Moon temple. Healer and enchanter of the cult. Ethan visits her quite often at her workroom. To get necessary patch ups from battles, or get enchantments on his daggers. Ethan tried to steal some extra supplies of the Blood Moon Crystals that Chel had. Huge mistake. He knew after that not to ever mess with Chel and her craft ever again.