Ethan (Chimera AU)



1 year, 7 months ago


Chimera Ethan

"The cold winter breeze soothes me."


ethan (eyvar garnik)


24 years






Tundra Chimera


Terra AU





Ethan has a quiet and calm personality. Due to his banishment he has rarely had contact with the outside world. Which heavily reflects on how he deals with certain situations. He cares about others but cannot always show it like he wishes he could. He tries his best to stay polite, even though sometimes his somewhat disconnected nature gives him a cold vibe. To those who he loves and cares about he would do anything in his power to protect them. His past still haunts him. Which makes him very agitated when asked about. He usually will avoid talking about it.



Eyvar was and raised in a small Chimera clan called Sneeuwhardt. The hopes from the clan were high for him, as he was son of Eredas Garnik, who used to be the strongest warrior within the clan's ranks. However it was clear from a young age that Eyvar wasn’t able to use his magic like the other clan members. Unable to keep up with his fellow students, he started to lack behind and those who noticed it started shunning him. For years he was being bullied and ignored by the clan. When he reached his early adulthood he started to understand how to extract magic from his surroundings. Being inexperienced, he absorbed too much magic, transforming him to the feral being that ended up destroying parts of the village and consuming people along the way. After the events Eyvar got banished from the clan. As the clan swore revenge on him. Eyvar changed his looks and his name to avoid conflicts with nearby villages. Now he lives alone, far away from society. Only sometimes to pop up from the forests to trade goods with nearby villages.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ultricies libero. Donec ac purus quis nisi aliquam tristique. Quisque tincidunt a nisi quis malesuada. Aenean faucibus nulla nec metus suscipit euismod eget at lacus. Nam in sapien tellus. Quisque cursus nulla nulla, nec ornare ante commodo vitae. Praesent sit amet metus lorem. Aenean fermentum neque massa, aliquet accumsan odio tempus sit amet. Maecenas placerat eros vitae velit dignissim volutpat. Aliquam elementum in lacus nec commodo. Nunc tempor urna quis eros dictum, tempor ultrices eros mattis.













Energy Consumption

Ethan was born with a magical defunct. Which makes him have a limited amount of energy to spend per rest. Once his magic resources are used up he can no longer move. However is able to outsource from his surroundings, however this can trigger him to transform into his feral form. Due to his lazy nature he doesn’t do much about his condition, nor is willing to improve.


Usually seen and prefered form. Unable to change form by himself he tries his best to stay in this form. His strength and healing is not as great as his feral form, but better than an average human. He is agile and quick but lacks the defensive side.

The form he takes on when he is out of magic. While in this state he is more sturdy and unpredictable but slower in his movement. Able to absorb magical essences in his surroundings. To strengthen and heal himself. The more magic he absorbs the longer he stays in this form. Wearing him down enough without him being able to reach out for magic, turns him back into his humanoid form.

Ice Magic

Thanks to living in the hard winters of Fhre, Ethan was able to specialize himself in using Ice magic. Making him able to spit mist from his mouth, that freezes anything when it comes in contact. Meanwhile he is able to defend himself by creating ice practically anywhere on his body.

Ice Crystals

Pure magic contained within Ice. Ethan can either absorb or consume it. Giving him maybe just enough magic to maintain his humanoid form. Due to the amount of magical energy, it is highly addictive to him. Causing him to act differently when in close proximity to a crystal.



Raw beef

Cold & Snow

Violin music


Sour food

Rainy weather

Transforming back to his humanoid form

Unable to move due to exhaustion


AU Created on: 23th of October 2022


  • Ethan has 2 different form in this AU: Normal and Feral from. Unable to control his Feral form.
  • Feathers on the side of his head flare up when agitated.
  • Falls asleep by hearing the sound of a violin.
  • Purs like a cat when petted on the head.
  • Voice Reference




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ultricies libero. Donec ac purus quis nisi aliquam tristique. Quisque tincidunt a nisi quis malesuada. Aenean faucibus nulla nec metus suscipit euismod eget at lacus. Nam in sapien tellus. Quisque cursus nulla nulla, nec ornare ante commodo vitae. Praesent sit amet metus lorem. Aenean fermentum neque massa, aliquet accumsan odio tempus sit amet. Maecenas placerat eros vitae velit dignissim volutpat. Aliquam elementum in lacus nec commodo. Nunc tempor urna quis eros dictum, tempor ultrices eros mattis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ultricies libero. Donec ac purus quis nisi aliquam tristique. Quisque tincidunt a nisi quis malesuada. Aenean faucibus nulla nec metus suscipit euismod eget at lacus. Nam in sapien tellus. Quisque cursus nulla nulla, nec ornare ante commodo vitae. Praesent sit amet metus lorem. Aenean fermentum neque massa, aliquet accumsan odio tempus sit amet. Maecenas placerat eros vitae velit dignissim volutpat. Aliquam elementum in lacus nec commodo. Nunc tempor urna quis eros dictum, tempor ultrices eros mattis.