Basic Info

How old are you Charlot?

"Heh, you honestly think I'll tell you that?"

What is your favorite activity?

"Welllllllll... I must say it relates to my work. It's not a pretty job but I don't have a pretty soul anymore so it doesn't bother me anymore."

Is your name really Charlot?

"Yes it is though most people don't know my true name. I tend to use different names in the different areas I visit. It helps keep me safe and anonymous."

Have you ever loved anyone besides Alfred?

"No. He's the only one who has ever set my heart ablaze with love and lust. Plus, with how my life is I cannot just choose to date someone willy nilly."

Do you have any family?

"Yes but we rarely talk anymore. They're not very proud of who I've become with my... dark urges."


Charlot hails from France but has lived in various locations. During his travels in his youth he met Alfred Rhodes and fell madly in love with him. As Charlot got older though he became a heavy drinker and this ruined his relationship with Alfred. Ever since then Charlot has been trying to find Alfred to apologize to him and show him that he's no longer an alcoholic. In fact ever since the day after Alfred left Charlot, Charlot stopped drinking alcohol completely and has never had a single drop pass his lips since then. He's returned to his roots as an assassin, especially as he's aged, but that's led to some troubles for him. He's been spotted a few times executing his targets in some manner but he always wears a mask, ties his hair up into a tight bun that he's able to hide with a hood behind his mask, and disposable gloves that he burns up after each mission. One of Charlot's current targets is the head of the research lab where Xander and Yan-gant-y-tan both escaped from. What Charlot doesn't know is that Xander and Yan-gant-y-tan both live with Alfred. Charlot dreams of the day he could ever possibly see Alfred again. He hopes that Alfred will even want to talk with him before shooing him away.