


2 years, 2 months ago



Name Spottedfern
Orientation Straight/Cishet
Age Adult (110 moons)
Gender Female (She/her)
Affiliations SkyClan (Formerly) ShadowClan refugee
Education N/A (Unknown)
Build Tall, long and fluffy
Rank Warrior
Mate Snaketail (Formerly)
Status Alive


  • Flowers
  • Romantic walks
  • Kits
  • Warm sunny days


  • Being ignored
  • getting her fur messy/wet
  • Deep water
  • RiverClan


Attack strength

Empathetic & Trustworthy

One of Spottedfern's best skills is with her empathy and integrity, always seeing life beyond clan borders as valuable and always ale to see from another cat's eyes. She is trustworthy and reliable and will never break a promise or tell a lie.


Spottedfern brings a warmth to conversation which is boosted by her empathy and integrity. She is helpful and engaging and makes friends easily thanks to her bubbly and outgoing nature.


Spottedfern stands in the face of opposition and is fiercly defensive of her personal values and her loves ones. She will stand fiercly and refuses to be cut down even when the world around her is against her, she remains loud and confident when she needs to be and never crumbles under the pressure of conflict.


A once young and bubbly warrior of SkyClan turned cold by the loss of her clan and kin, seeking refuge in ShadowClan as she awaits the day The Starless will cave. Spottedfern was born as a SkyClan cat and was known for being couragous, charismatic and empathetic to her clan-mates.

!! Contains spoilers for Sunscorch's vow !!..


Spottedfern was born as Spottedkit alongside her sisters and litter-mates Dapplekit and Specklekit. The three sisters were close as kits and played together frequently. Spottedkit became Spottedpaw and trained alongside her sisters, Specklepaw and Spottedpaw grew closer while Dapplepaw drifted apart to new cats. All of them kept a solid relationship however and were still close.

Spottedpaw talking and laughing with the other apprentices, to the point where she would miss key details, become forgetful or have to be reminded to pay attention. She never lost her empathy and bubbliness and still enjoyed helping and being social, soon thanks to her peers and mentor she learned to deal with her inattentiveness and became a respected she-cat of SkyClan. She soon found herself befriending another apprentice: Snakepaw and the two fell in love late into their apprenticeship.


Spottedpaw became a warrior and recieved the name Spottedfern alongside her sisters (Speckleberry and Dapplethorn) she also became mates with Snaketail and the two maintained a loving relationship for most of their lives. Spottedfern and Snaketail developed a love for having romantic walks down on the rainforest floor but would hate getting her fur messed up due to how long it was. Snaketail and Spottedfern both stumbled across a sick queen named Diana and her three kits and with Spottedfern's insistance and empathy the two agree to bring them back to SkyClan. The family joins SkyClan and Spottedfern and her sister Speckleberry are happy to welcome the queen and her kits into the clan, except for her sister Dapplethorn who greatly resents the decision.

Spottedfern became a mentor to one of Diana's kits: Dawnpaw, and the two developed a close friendship due to their shared empathy and bubbliness. Dawnpaw was receptive to Spottedfern's training and became a well-rounded and humble warrior named Dawnflower. During a battle between RiverClan early in her mentorship Spottedfern kills a cat named Ducksnout while protecting Snaketail, this lead to her being berated by RiverClan in the coming moons for being a murderer. Snaketail defended her ruthlessly and relentlessly but Spottedfern still could never stomach the guilt over his death, having never intended to take another warrior's life even from another clan. Snaketail and her sisters assured her however and she soon learnt to live with the guilt of her actions. Spottedfern soon learnt she was expecting Snaketail's kits and was overjoyed, Snaketail was also ecstatic at being a father and protected Spottedfern even when she insisted she felt fine. Soon she gave birth to their kits: Kiwikit, Tulipkit, Spotkit and Pythonkit, and loved them unconditionally. Snaketail cared for her and her kits and she adored them with her whole heart.

Snaketail's brother Owlfeather died suddenly by an eagle and he took his death hard, Spottedfern longed to comfort him but struggled to find time alone with him being a mother. Their kits became apprentices and their daughter Tulippaw was givemn to Sunscorch. A plague struck SkyClan and caused many cats to die from the disease. A few of the fatalities were Speckleberry and Tulippaw, the loss of both of them became too much for Spottedfern and Snaketail and the two were left devestated. They struggled to reach out to each other while they grieved and soon the rift between them became too far and they stopped being mates.

One of Diana's kits that Spottedfern brought back to SkyClan (Dusktrike) attempted to murder Dapplethorn after Ravenstar became leader and Dapplethorn became deputy, believing she would recieve the title after Dapplethorn. Spottedfern watched in horror as Ravenstar unfairly exiled Dawnflower alongside her sister, Spottedfern tried to reason with Ravenstar and defend her but the leader's mind was made up and the two were forced to leave. Sunscorch began to organize an uprising against Ravenstar and Dapplethorn, an uprising that Snaketail supported. Due to her sister being the deputy and her hatred of violence she was apprehensive about the event, when Sunscorch's coup dethroned Ravenstar and banished her and Dapplethorn Spottedfern snapped from stress and refused to leave with his group. All her kits and Snaketail left to join The Starless, Spottedfern stayed with Sorrelwing and Mossdapple. For a while Spottedfern and the two other she-cats struggled to sustain the camp and themselves and decided at the full moon to address the news to the other clans at a gathering. At the gathering the three she-cats explained what happened to SkyClan and asked if they could seek refuge in a clan temporarily. RiverClan due to their long history of rivalry refused out of suspicion and resentment, ThunderClan didn't want three more cats among their ranks and WindClan couldn't sustain three more warriors. The three became ShadowClan refugees under Icestar's rule. Spottedfern helped discuss how to bring back SkyClan with Icestar but their efforts remained failures due to the other clan's disinterest. Spottedfern still loved Snaketail and her kits dearly and desperately wished to see them again, left with no kin and no clan she is familiar with Spottedfern became a cold and reclusive she-cat, awaiting the day her family would come home.

Kin + Relationships


Snaketail [ Former mate ]

Snaketail and Spottedfern fell in love late into their apprenticeship and wasted no time getting together once they became warriors. Spottedfern and Snaketail had a loving and healthy relationship for most of their lives and supported each other through conflict and loss. Both were ecstatic when they found out that they were having kits and both loved their litter unconditionally. After the loss of their daughter Tulippaw they drifted apart and struggled to reconnect through their grief and ultimately stopped being mates, they never hated each other or were on bad terms and Spottedfern still loves her former mate and waits for the day for him to come home.


Dapplethorn [ Sister ]

Dapplethorn and Spottedfern were close as kits and apprentices but due to their different personalities and social circles they went down their own paths. Spottedfern disagreed with Dapplethorn's hostlity toward Diana and her kits due to her mistrust of outsiders. This caused a bit a rift between the two that intensified when she began mentoring Dawnpaw. They never hated each other and Spottedfern loved her as a sister and cared for her. She was against Dapplethorn's exile and snapped at the stress, they both wonder if the other is OK and when they may see each other again.


Speckleberry [ Sister ]

Speckleberry and Spottedfern were close as kits and apprentices and loved each other, unlike Dapplethorn the two's relationship never wained and Speckleberry supported Spottedfern's care of Diana and her kits. Spottedfern was devestated over her death and misses her greatly, appreciative of her company and time together.


Tulippaw [ Daughter ]

Spottedfern loved her kits and adored them growing up, she cared for them unconditionally and that extended to her daughter Tulippaw. She decorated her nest with tulips that Tulippaw gifted her and was shattered when she died. The hole that her daughter's death left her with never filled, the loss sitting in her gut like dead weight.


Pythontail [ Daughter ]

Spottedfern loved Pythontail during her whole life but was concerned about her recklessness and impulsivity. Spottedfern worried her daughter would end up like her grandfather Rusteye and tried to curb the behaviour much to Pythontail's disintrest and confusion. Spottedfern was heartbroken when she wanted to leave which also resulted in her snapping.


Spotleaf [ Daughter ]

Spottedfern loved Spotleaf and supported her through her secracy and anxiety. Spottedfern's extraversion and empathy brought out Spotleaf's confidence as a kit and apprentice, although the relationship wained when Tulippaw died and Spottedfern shut down from grief. Spottedfern supported her when she became a warrior and was hysterical when Spotleaf and her siblings wanted to leave SkyClan.


Kiwishadow [ Son ]

Spottedfern loved Kiwishadow and joked that his tail looked like a kiwi fruit, a sentiment that Kiwishadow found annoying. Kiwishadow didn't enjoy Spottedfern's bubbliness and affection due to how prickly he was, and so the two never became as close as his sisters were with her. Spottedfern still loved him and ignored his constant rebuffing. Spottedfern begged him and his sisters to stay when they wanted to leave with their father Snaketail and wished for them to come back.


Sorrelwing [ Friend ]

Sorrelwing and Spottedfern never really interacted during their time as SkyCln cats, due to Sorrelwing being much older and their paths not crossing as much. Sorrelwing supported Spottedfern when she broke up with Snaketail due to her own experiences with her own former mate which started the two's friendship. The two became even closer after Sunscorch and his group left SkyClan after Ravenstar and Dappplethorn's banishment, the two supporting each other as they became ShadowClan refugees.


Mossdapple [ Friend ]

Spottedfern and Mossdapple never crossed paths, Mossdapple being a permenant nusery queen and Spottedfern a much younger warrior. Mossdapple and Spottedfern became good friends after Sunscorch's group disappeared, supporting each other as they became refugees.


Dawnflower [ Apprentice ]

Spottedfern and Dawnflower shared a strong bond as mentor and apprentice, with their similar personalities Dawnflower recepted Spottedfern's training very well and the two bonded quite easily. Spottedfern and Dawnflower even enjoyed each other's company after Dawnflower became a warrior, Spottedfern was one of the only cats brave enough to object to Ravenstar's decision to exile her and was deeply upset when she left. Spottedfern is unaware that Dawnflower was killed by dogs and wonders if she is still OK.