
1 year, 11 months ago


Age: 36 years 

Height: 6’6

Gender Identity: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay Asexual 

Magical Ability: Summoning Illusions (Plus an additional mutation that gives him horns and a tail)

About: Twin brother of Silas, the two brothers spent most of their childhood locked up in a laboratory after the death of their father before escaping from the lab that experimented on them for most of their youth at the age of 15. Henry has a lot of trust issues both because of his childhood but also due to the betrayal from Rhyme who he was quite close friends with back in the day (and eventually his brother Silas). Henry doesn't have the healthiest ways of coping with things primarily relying on drinking and smoking alongside self isolating. Henry is a fairly successful performer, putting on “magic shows” with his ability of illusions in town squares and taverns, although he doesn't have the joy for his performances he used to as a young adult. Henry strongly disagrees with rhyme and his unjust treatment of the people of Tian he can't bring himself to get directly involved with his brothers rebellion as a part of him still cares for Rhyme and Lin (Lin more than Rhyme). Despite his separation towards the rebellion he still hesitantly agrees to train Rose in combat when she asks after Silas refuses to let her into training.