deu🇩🇪(Joschka) (folklore au)



8 months, 27 days ago


You've always wanted to learn another language, but you found that tutors were too expensive, and Duolingo got boring after a few weeks. You wanted to find an option that was both reasonably cheap as well as entertaining. Your search had been fruitless for a while, until you stumbled upon...a rather cute-looking video game. "Joschka's Adventure." It was very affordable given the amount of content that the game claimed to offer. It was apparently supposed to teach you German in a fun and unique way, and your hopes were pretty high. soon learned that this game was not all that it seemed. It only took a few suspicious incidents for you to realize that this game...was cursed. Despite its pretty exterior, the truth was far more bitter. The main character Joschka wasn't merely a cute language teacher; they were an evil entity that had the unsettling tendency to break the fourth wall and interfere with your real life.

What did this evil being want to do to you, you wondered. Would they...haunt your dreams? Hurt your friends? Perhaps even try to kill you?

..well, no. Rather than taking your life, they just wanted to take your money. All of it. And they wouldn't stop until you were broke.

Josef, usually going by the pet name Joschka, is the main character of the game "Joschka's Adventure." They are the current monarch of the land. They help guide the player through the game, simultaneously helping the player learn German.

They are essentially a piece of malware that gradually steals all of the player's real life money until you're broke. Don't ask how they get into your bank account; you don't want to know.

Joschka's demeanor couldn't fit more with their adorable appearance. They're bubbly, affectionate, sweet, and sometimes a little mischievous...but not too much, of course!

No, that last part was a lie. In reality, they are far too mischievous for such a mild word to accurately describe them. They're probably the most evil, ruthless, greedy capitalist you'll ever meet. They don't care about the consequences of their actions; they enjoy making people miserable, and as for the environment, well..the magic of their world just regenerates it, so they don't need to worry at all. As part of the royal family, their parents spoiled them rotten, so the only world they know is a world where they always get whatever they want.

Joschka is also quite aggressive towards people that get in their way. In the blink of an eye, they can drop their wholesome persona and reveal their cold, true nature. The way their voice drops, and their word choice instantly becomes a lot, makes them far more terrifying than if they were just mean from the start.

Their patience is rather inconsistent. When helping a language learner with learning German, they don't get irritated even if the learner makes the same mistake 10 times in a row. However, if you insult their capitalistic ways just once, expect them to immediately be shaking with rage, if not throwing you to the ground and beating the living hell out of you. They're not used to being denied what they want, so they have virtually no patience when it comes to this; they're fully willing to use force in order to get their demands met.


Age 22
Gender ???
Pronouns any
Orientation ???(allosexual)
Occupation minarchist monarch
Height 170cm(5'7")
Species Several lines of code that happens to resemble a human

Anne ex-girlfriend
Some girl from high school that Joschka manipulated into becoming their girlfriend.

Anne was a very caring person, so Joschka wanted to exploit this somehow. They paid some tough-looking boys to be actors for them, and together they acted out several scenes where the boys pretended to bully Joschka, which obviously made Anne quickly want to step in and comfort them.

Eventually, though, Joschka lost interest in her, so they just told her the truth; that all of the "bullying" was just staged. This instantly made her break up with them and angrily punch them a few times. Unlike all those imaginary punches that Joschka's "bullies" threw at them, these ones were very real. Joschka is evil, they deserved it.

Mrs. Parker ballet teacher
Mrs. Parker was Joschka's ballet teacher ever since they started doing ballet at the age of 6. It was obvious that Joschka was her favorite student, as it didn't take much for them to impress her. Joschka started doing performances very early on, which brought in a lot of money for the monarchy. They loved every part of it: the dancing, the costumes, the music, and especially the attention. Mrs. Parker also helped look after Joschka whenever the king and queen were busy with political affairs, so Joschka never felt alone.

playful • cute • greedy capitalist