Irene Solokov




Irene Solokov

|| She/Her || Parta Fulg || Pawn shop Owner ||


Outgoing - Inspirational - Friendly

Irene could never stand the idea of only been seen and not heard when being in a relationship, in fact she always felt like she had to be the biggest thing in the room.


Early Life

    Born in Leicúig to an already bustling family, Irene struggled to grasp the concept of space and privacy when she was little. It took extra explaing for her to understand how sharing items itself worked.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Playing music
  • Making plans
  • People

  • Dull colors
  • Modernist styles
  • Short Stories
[Lyev Solokov]

Irene's beloved husband, the two butt heads on occasion, but that's what happens when two very opinionated people work and live together.

[Alaya Solokov]

Her oldest child and daughter, Irene has always been worried for her well-being and association with others. As Alaya has gotten older and grown more control over her abilities, Irene has become consistently more proud of her daughter's magical and emotional developments.

[David Solokov]

Her younger child and son, David hasn't needed as much attention from his mother as his sister did. Irene loves him immensely but worries that he's stifling himself for others. She wants the best for him, but is trying to respect his plans, however self-destructive she sees them as.

♫ Theme Song