


1 year, 11 months ago


Basic Info:

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’11”
family: Cielo (younger half brother), Elmira (younger half sister)


Davina was born as an illegitimate child in a wealthy noble family, and as such was not treated kindly along with her father, who was a knight working for the family. From a young age she knew how cruel the world can be, and became cruel and rough in personality.
As she grew up, she began developing her talents in sword fighting and magic. Her father would spend time teaching her how to use a sword, while her mother began teaching her to control magic once she learned of her talent with it. This was when her life started turning around, the noble couple realized quickly how quick and talented she was, when their own children seemed to be lacking. Thus, she was brought back into their care and they began treating her and her father better, hoping to win them over and to potentially label her as a candidate option for a heiress.
Davina however, was uninterested in dressing up and playing nice for nobility. So she struck up a deal. She knew that the family’s wealth was built up from shady and corrupt methods, so she offered to be the heir for that side of things, while the legitimate heirs could play “happy noble family” and handle the political and boring side. An offer they couldn’t refuse given how much she already knew.

Now, grown up, she has full control of the family business, and seems to have control over the family as well, pulling string from behind the curtains and using the family members seemingly as puppets.


-she essentially becomes almost like a mafia boss
-becomes partners in crime with Cutler, who is second in command in her underground business