
11 months, 15 days ago


Basic Info

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'9"
Family: Bram (twin brother), Lacca (younger brother), Fragaria (youngest brother), Cerasus (youngest sister)

Helps run an extremely successful berry/fruit farm with her brother and their large family. They own a small diner where they also sell homemade jams and jellies that they make with their home grown berries. They have achieved impressive success with this and thus are one of the most wealthy families in the small town of farmers, yet they stay humble and kind to everyone, including outsiders.

Rye is the strongest member of the family, and does most of the heavy lifting. She is most likely expected to be the child who will take over authority of the farm once their parents retire, the rest of the siblings expected to help out until they are old enough to decide their own paths.
She is protective and often acts as a wingman to her twin brother Bram. Anyone who hurts his feelings had better look out.