Haunani Valentine



6 years, 8 months ago



Name Haunani "Hauni/Nani/Hau" Valentine
Age 24 Years Old
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual (Closeted)
Ethnicity Kalon
Theme Honey and the Bee - Owl City


Charisma ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Kindness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Caution ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Height 5'4" (163 cm)
Build Small
Eyes Sectoral Heterochromia - Purple/Blue
Skin Furry
Hair Short/White
Breeding 1 2 3


At a young age, Haunani loved everything fashion. She would design clothes and try to show them off to everyone around her to see if they could be worn by a vast majority of people. Though she wasn't able to keep drawing her designs as she got older she kept her sense of fashion and imagination. Her love and passion for fashion got her through much of her modeling school and she actually enjoyed it. The time spent at that school allowed her passion to be fueled and when she got a job offer from an important modeling company she jumped at the chance to be able to put her name out there and enjoy what she loved best. Over the few years of modeling for that company, she started to open up more and asked if they would allow some of her work to be created as well and to her surprise they allowed her to design the clothes she wore. Because her name was thrown out into the world Haunani was able to travel the wide world in search of new designs as well as new areas to model in. Though one specific trip was different from the rest. She had just finished with her modeling appointment and was headed back to her hotel, but found that she had gotten lost. It began to get dark and she had looked up at the sky, but for a split second, she saw something, almost like a falling star, fall into the forest right outside the town she had been in. She raced after it having her curiosity get the better of her and stumbled upon a small river. A lazy flowing river that had a slightly glowing object, which she assumed to be the "falling star" from earlier. She picked it up and felt a strange feeling come over her as she put it on her wrist. She rubbed it slightly to get the mud off of the starry charm and she immediately felt sick. She passed out and once she had awoken she found herself in a strange place. She walked out of the forest and back to find the hotel, but nothing had looked familiar. She soon realized that she had time traveled to another time period after she had met a psychic. She realized that the bracelet with the charm was a "falling star" and after about two days in the past, she figured out how to get back home. Saying goodbye to her newfound friends she rubbed the star and she was sent on her journey yet again the same way as before. Once she got back, after many times she found that she could jump to many different periods and worlds and her feeling of nausea began to subside, though passing out will most likely always happen.

Haunani was born with careful parents. She was always the “given” child, the expected youngest. Although big expectations and differences from her other siblings, she is strong-willed to be acknowledged as her own. Her friends and family is her life, she sticks to them like butter on bread. Although she takes the differences seriously, she doesn’t take a side. She believes that the best side is no side. When it comes to meeting new people of her kind, she isn’t one to come up and greet excitingly. Haunani is rather shy, but calm. Haunani is found to be personally cute, found from different sources. She’s also found to be a geek when a word is mentioned of any one of her fandoms. The best thing about her friendliness is that she can understand others more than anyone else. When given the chance to know her, she can become the world’s most trustworthy and loyal friend.

HAUNANI f Hawaiian Means "beautiful snow" from Hawaiian hau "snow" and nani "beauty, glory".

VALENTINE (1) m English From the Roman cognomen Valentinus which was itself from the name Valens meaning "strong, vigourous, healthy" in Latin. Saint Valentine was a 3rd-century martyr. His feast day was the same as the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, which resulted in the association between Valentine's day and love. As an English name, it has been used occasionally since the 12th century.


  • Fashion
  • Drawing
  • Sweets
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Traveling
  • Laughing
  • Writing
  • Friends
  • Saturnalia
  • Warm Scents


  • Surprises
  • Being Yelled At
  • Rudeness
  • Certain Bugs
  • Horror Movies
  • Stress
  • Violence
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Technology
  • Being Wrong


  • Loyal
  • Brilliant
  • Calm
  • Cheerful
  • Optimistic
  • Friendly
  • Anxious
  • Shy
  • Clumsy
  • Extravagant
  • Passive


  • Interested In Sports
  • Believes In The Paranormal
  • Prone To Finger Tapping When Nervous
  • Inerested In Robotics
  • Annoyed By Mathematics
  • Hates Not Knowing Things
  • Difficulty Speaking To Strangers
  • Prone To Absentmindedly Taking Things Apart
  • Has Agraphobia, Philophobia, and Anthropophobia
  • Interested In Computer Engineering
  • Interested in Card/Board Games
  • Finds The Meaning Of This Word Funny "Sesquipedalophobia"
  • Prone To Stuttering When Stressed
  • Loves Greek/Roman/Egyptian Mythology
  • Highly Sensitive To Criticism


  • Standard Shine
  • Standard Hair
  • No-Rarity Sectoral Heterochromia
  • Common Fur
  • Common Tail







Biological Son



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