Marie Rayne



1 year, 10 months ago


Full Name: Aquamarine "Marie" Fayruz
Age: 32
Birthday: January 23rd
Favorite Food: Fries
Likes: Justice, Her Family, Valorie, Swordfighting, Stupid T-Shirts
Dislikes: Losing Composure

Strict and to-the-point, Marie is the eldest of the Chaos Sisters. She was forcefully separated from her family along with the rest of her sisters by her parents in a desperate attempt to protect the sisters from an extremely powerful evil. She ended up in France and was forced to lay low for ten years before it was safe to search for her family. She used her time wisely, learning the language and training herself in the art of the rapier, eventually being noticed by Princess Valorie Clair, who invited her to be a part of the Royal Guard. She would eventually rise from a simple soldier to the Princess's personal bodyguard, advisor and friend. She, alongside the Princess, used their status to search for her siblings in secret, but nothing turned up. Her love for her sisters is paramount, nothing is more important to her than their safety.

Her emerald, the cyan emerald, gives her very powerful cryokinesis, letting her create ice from her hands, feet, the ground, and even her rapier. 

Her full name is Aquamarine, but she goes by the nickname Marie for simplicity's sake. Her surname, "Rayne", was given to her by Princess Valorie in an effort to give Marie more of an identity in France.