Olympia Josephina Chrysalis



1 year, 9 months ago



Lv.?? Archwitch

Olympia Josephina Chrysalis
??? (Looks 30)


Archwitches specialize in casting powerful spells, showing profciency with whatever element their soul is synergized with, but are capable to use other elements as well. They have proficiency with staves and robes.

Geomancer - A witch who's synergized with earth. Grants proficency and resistance to earth magic. They also have boosted defense and recovery.


Heaven's Monarch - [Staff] A staff topped with an earth crystal.


Olympia Josephina Chrysalis. Formerly a leader of a guild of people trying to stand against the the growing distrust of witches. After the group was massacared by the mysterious Black Witch, she took up the title "The White Witch" in opposition. She's gone by many false names over the years as she tries to figure out who the Black Witch is, and what his connection is to the growing resentment against witches and magic.

Decades later, she met the knight Darner Meadowhawk, who joined her in her desire to find and stop the Black Witch. She's the one responsible for saving Darner after the dragon attack, but she feels guilt for his current state.


Due to her years of studying magic, she's quite wise and studous. She's adamant about her goals, even if sometimes to her own detriment. She's quick to distrust due to her past, but her stiffness drops once she does find it in her to trust. It's then that people would get to see her for who she truly is, a friendly and excitable witch who wants to study what the world has to offer.


  • Darner
  • two
  • three
  • four


  • The Black Witch
  • Fire
  • three
  • four


Early Life

She's closed off about her youth, other than the hatred of witches started becoming known while she was a child. She quickly changes the topic when family is brought up, not wanting to relive painful memories.

Black Witch

Olympia was quick to start fighting in defense of witches, quickly earning her allies, both other witches as well as regular humans and mages. Her group eventually became known as the Heaven's Monarch Guild, their reach spreading farther and farther, with Guild itself being located in her witch friendly home city

The death of the guild was nothing short of a massacre. The city drowned in black flame, engulfing even those not associated with the guild falling to the flames. At the center of the bloodshed stood a man shrouded in dark cloth, fighting with the strength of an army. The man claimed himself to be the Black Witch, and that he had been mandated by an ancient god to purge the stain of witches from the world. He sparred only Olympia, but she understood it for the warning it was. She's been far more distrustful since that moment, working mostly alone and covering her face.


Eventually, decades later a knight from the city of [A+D city] found her location. The knight introduced himself as Darner Meadowhawk, and that he had been growing distrustful of the city's teachings. Against her better judgement, she put her trust in the man.

She initially thought she had been betrayed when she saw him leading a group of other high ranking knights. Preparing herself to fight against such a group, she went down to the camp in the dead of night, only to find that it had been a trap. Not for her, but for the knights. Darner had laced their rations with deadly poison before, having brought them so far as to prevent their deaths from reaching the city too quickly. He swore loyalty to Olympia, before the two vanished into the knight.


After some time traveling together, they settled down for a bit at one of Olympia's hidden safehouses in the mountains. Olympia had been wishing to do some studying the carbuncles in the area, hoping to learn about the earth based healing magic they possessed, hoping she could use it when she eventually reencountered the Black Witch.

The location had turned out to not be as safe as they thought after the two were attacked by a dragon. Although Olympia had made it though mostly unscathed, Darner lost several limbs, his life slipping away. He begged Olympia to heal him with the carbuncle magic she had been studying, regrowing his limbs as green crystal. Because it also caused him to lose his right eye because of it's instablity, she feels guilt for his current condition, despite Darner assuring her he doesn't hate her for it, grateful that his life was saved.


  • Although she specializes in Earth magic, she's studied and trained magic of many different elements.
  • She thinks carbuncles are the cutest of any animal or monster to exist. She will fight you on this.

Since her encounter with the Black Witch, she's covered her face with a veil due to his dark fire burning her face. The scar covers most of the right side of her face, even extending up into some of her scalp. Shes used magic to extend her life, as she belives the Black Witch will be doing the same.


Lover - The one she trusts above all else. Although not officially married due to the issues that bring, the two see each other as almost husband and wife. He's the only person alive she'd willingly show her face to.

Enemy - The man who scarred Olympia. She doesn't know his real identity or face.