은재설. EJS



6 years, 4 months ago



"Even if I hurt, it's all fine when I'm with you guys..."

"둘, 셋, 안녕하세요, 재설입니다."

History. Born on March 22nd, Jaesol was born into his family who was not really wealthy, in the Daegu Province, South Korea. A few years later, his siblings were born. As the eldest, Jaesol was the one who would look after them and guide them if their parents weren't there. In his past-time, Jaesol would always be infatuated with music. Small RnB artists would soon inspire him to create his own music. In middle-high school, he became friends with Minhyung and others who shared his interests. In high school, he would start to perform covers along with his original songs. At the end of high school, he was a some-what polished underground artist who was cast by their current company. He trained for a few(?) years and was the first to join GAYUH. Soon the other members joined and he reunited with Minhyung. And so, his future is now, and he works until their voices will one-day be spread.

"I believe in me, I believe in myself. I believe my damn voice will one-day be spread."

【 Nickname 】Stage Name (TBD), Soul, Jay, tbd【 Weight & Height 】 183 cm // 61 kg
【 Group 】 GAYUH【 DOB 】21 // March 22
【 Role 】 Leader, Vocalist【 Face Claim 】한태희
【 Birth Place 】Yeonje District, Daegu, South Korea【 Voice Claim 】Guanlin // Ex. 1 // Ex. 2

【 Charisma 】

【 Selflessness 】

【 Temper 】

【 Aegyo 】


【 Maturity 】

【 Humor 】

【 Dedication 】



재설 노래.

his playlist. "thinking of you"


  • Jaesol has two younger siblings, both of which are 17 and 16-year-olds, refining his parent-like nature.
  • His go-to drink is camomile tea with a side of a good 'ol fish cake.
  • He loves hot stone bibimbap and Haemul Sundubu Jjigae.
  • Allergic to cats,, (gives him the sniffs)
  • His hobbies include photography, composing music, watching k-dramas.
  • Addicted to League of Legends.
  • Loves to cuddle. (Used to be really soft towards his younger siblings)
  • He dislikes working out and dieting.
  • He's terrible at acting cute. If he does attempt, it's really stiff and just a mess.
  • Absentmindedly, he would hug or show skinship towards others; he just lo v e s ev e r y o ne.
  • His idols are DPR Live (for the aesthetic), DEAN (Singing), Crush (Singing), and OFFONFOFF (music style).
  • Can be labeled as that one "eomma" guy.
  • He would love to attend many variety shows.
  • Underground performer pre-debut?
  • Knows how to work with a variety of instruments; piano being his best feat.
  • Loves the color Periwinkle
  •  He has very ugly handwriting,,,
  • Ideal type: Someone younger who he can respect and take care of. Someone who can make him laugh naturally.

Postive Traits. 

Selfless. Jaesol is very selfless and caring towards others. As leader and the eldest, he is always obliged to tend to the other members if they need it. He will always be there to hear out anyone's problems.

Insightful. He tends to think things out logically, regarding the future and the impact of his choices. Sharing his thoughts with others, he keeps an open mind.

Jocose. While being very knowledgeable, he still can act youthful. He loves to goof around and catch some laughs, even when he's not good at telling jokes. He just wants to be respected but also wants to have a good time while he has it.

Neutral Traits.

Skinship. Older bother senses are always on. He loves skinship, but it can be very uncomfortable for the other person. He doesn't try to make it like so, but he just enjoys the company of someone he takes care of.

Negative Traits.

Hard on himself. Jaesol focuses on creating the best quality and being the best quality of himself and his works. His insecurities help him as a push to strive to create but sometimes it may be unhealthy. Especially when alone, he wants to create music for the better of his group rather than taking care of himself. Even when he's hurt he'll work harder for others.

Excessively guilty. When things go wrong, he always wants to take the blame. He thinks it's his job to help out everyone and everything that he would feel responsible if something he wasn't involved in doesn't go as expected.

Exploitable. His kindness and natural nature can attract good and bad. He can gain fake friends who desire his personal successes and wealth. He won't really take action to end these types of relationships since he can be quite clingy.



group mate // childhood friend ".... I'm glad I became friends with a brilliant artist with his fresh aura..."

Minhyung is the member he's known the longest. He's such a lovable person and very skillful in creating music. He's the member who is closest in age, sharing previous schooling history. Jaesol believes that Minhyung's name would be spread like wildfire, sharing his music as a polished artist. 



 group mate // maknae "... He's just a tough cookie, but seeing him grow makes me happy..."

 Hyojin is the maknae of the group so they have a father-son relationship.  At first, Hyojin seemed a bit intimidating when they were first trainees, but after spending some time, Jaesol had learned alot about him and wanted to guide him as he grew with the group. If Hyojin ever had a problem, Jaesol would always be there to support him no matter what. 



group mate // tbd "...."




future label mate // close friend "...I can't wait for him to debut, he's a good kid..."

When Jaesol was a trainee, he would always attend a certain, Performing Arts school [Serendipity's] winter concerts. This was where he had met Jeongho, a student. Disregarding the age-gap, Jeongho and Jaesol had very good chemistry. Over the phone, the two would always listen to each other vent if times were tough. the two are very similar; matching music tastes and moral views, it's no shock that they are buddies.


Character Name

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